Tuesday 4 January 2005

Someone New!

Yesterday we were in the bathroom when we spotted our cat Tess outside with something in his mouth...a little kitten! We're not 100% sure whether he's the real father or not though as we don't know who Tess could've shagged! It's possible that he had some sort of one night stand with a neighbourhood cat because he hasn't been muted (in other words his balls are still there!) The kitten looks a lot like Tess anyway.

After spotting the kitten, we were invited over to the neighbours' house to watch the movie The Day After Tomorrow. Ester (I might've spelt her name wrong) and Julia, the two Malaysian girls who just moved to New Zealand...and the ones I tried starting a conversation with but didn't go too well...were there, and Ester will be attending Rutherford College this year as a year 11! That'll be interesting...

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1 comment:

  1. ehh how come no one told me??I thought she was going to waitak!!!HAHAH I wonder what i'll spend that $5 on???
