Tuesday 14 December 2004

My Sad Tale Continues...

(Continuing on from the previous post)…Zippo tried introducing me to her new friends who were relatively new to this country from Malaysia, one the same age as me and one the same age as Aonghas. It was her attempt to help me to try find a girlfriend before the end of this year so I could win the bet! Yeah right! So while her sister Szelin and she talked to their friends, I had a go at making conversation with them. At first it was a little slow, but as soon as I asked them if they ate cats and dogs in Malaysia it picked up a bit! Once Szelin’s friends’ parents came to pick them up, the Malaysian girls instantly left the room to do something. I must’ve scared them away! They soon came in after a while and sat in the corner reading magazines amongst them. Later Zippo explained that even she found it difficult to make conversation with them, and she’s someone who can carry a conversation on for ages (not an insult but a good thing because it makes it interesting chatting to her)!

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