Sunday 19 December 2004

Clumsy Me

I left the toast in the toaster for too long, burnt the toast and filled the kitchen with smoke. It stunk for more than an hour! I have a tendency to burn toast. It occurred when my parents weren’t home, and so when they arrived home, the first thing they asked was if I had set a fire! Our house is still in one piece fortunately, with the toaster just covered in a bit of soot.


Today was our last accordion lesson for the year. I got my accordion exam results back today as well. Here goes…

I got 86/100 which means I passed with merit! I won’t have to resit the exam!

Scales – 17/18

List A Piece: Le Cou Cou – 16/18

List B Piece: Sonata in C (Mozart) – 20/24

List C Piece: Preludio – 12/18

Aural – 7/8

Initiative Test (Sight-reading) – 8/10

(That should add up to 100…I think…)


We came across Denis the clarinet teacher at Lynn Mall today. He suggests that I should become an accordion teacher at the Music Centre next year. According to him the pay is better than if I worked at a supermarket, so I might consider it.


Originally we were at New Lynn to watch some Chinese dance performance, but because our music lessons finished at about 3, and it takes an hour to get back home, by the time we got there it had finished. We managed to watch a few people play Mah Jong and my mum has promised me that she’ll teach me these holidays (with no gambling involved of course). We also watched as this Chinese man painted shrimp with his BARE hands.


I’ve started tidying up the lounge and conservatory. I folded all the clothes while watching a bit of the movie Jaws and Hearts of Atlantis. It’s a coincidence that Jaws is being screened on TV in light of what has happened in Australia regarding the surfer being ripped in half by two sharks. In the scene that had the first shark mauling, I couldn’t bare to watch it! Hearts of Atlantis however was a completely different movie which was very touching. Now I know I am a guy but it does make one think about how each second, minute, day and year of our life is precious and full of memories. Man I’ve got to start making the most of my life now!


Anyway there’s going to be a full dress rehearsal of the Christmas concert and us Anderson brothers haven’t even practised our trio since the last rehearsal! We were asked if we could play a Christmas song as well as the piece ‘A French Visit’ that we will be performing, so I had to arrange Deck The Halls for three accordions. It isn’t complete though and we haven’t got it by memory so we’re in a bit of a sticky situation! Let’s just see how it goes tomorrow.


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