Wednesday 1 December 2004

I went back to school today to return all my books (when the real book return day was supposed to be Monday!). I'm really going to miss my English teacher Ms Symms, and it turns out that EVERY SINGLE teacher in the performing arts department is leaving. That means next year no one in the whole department will know me. However, there is some good news from this. The HOD of music before our current one joined Rutherford College is returning next year, and she knew my older brother Hamish well. Hopefully she will recognise me as his brother and will be nice to me!
I didn't write many Christmas cards to my friends because I wasn't sure who would be at school today. It turns out that three quarters of my form class came on Monday while only five of us turned up today. Anyway I got my yearbook, and I've got my photo a few times in there. This year instead of having class photos, they have the id photos of individuals in alphabetical order. I looked terrible in mine! My head was like a round ball! I had to write a report on being student representative on the Board of Trustees for the school, and the teacher who organised the school magazine forgot to take a photo of me, so she used my school id photo again instead.

My music teacher was looking through the magazine and when she saw my photo by my report, she was like "What happened to Calum?"

Lunch was a total rip-off. My mum took me to a Chinese takeaway shop. We saw a LUCKY SPECIAL Chow Mein for $5.00. We bought it believing it'd be a reasonable size, but when we got it, it was pretty small! My mum asked for an extra fork to the one he gave us, and being the kinda guy who likes to drain every single cent from your wallet, the Chinese guy told us it'd cost us an extra 20c! By the time I got back to school to eat it, the paper bag he had put the container in had been completely soaked in juice. I next discovered that half the container was actually full of juice, leaving little space for the vegetables! What a rip-off! We definitely won't be going there again!

I stayed at school to watch the year 10 speech competition. Congratulations to Chen for winning the Year 10 Speech Competition today! He spoke on being an Asian. All the other contestants were females who spoke on topics such as teaching REM (religious education) at all schools, to Victorian punishment. The impromptu speakers had to speak on such topics as gangsters, boys, girls, chairs and snails.

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