Wednesday 20 October 2010


I should be studying but I thought I might as well kill time...

So here's the thing. Go to your search bar and type in the letter, and answer the three questions about the first person on the list, then tag them. [Skip yourself when its your name in the box]

A. Aonghas Anderson

 1) Do you love this person? I have to, he's my brother!
 2) Is this person your enemy? Sometimes haha naah
 3) When is the last time you saw this person? Right now, he's sitting a few metres away from me in the lounge

B. Ben Wong
1) What do you really think of this person? He's a pretty cool guy
 2) What's their favorite colors? I'm not too sure but I'd guess black!
 3) Have you seen this person within the last week? I last saw him on Sunady
C. Diane Chen 
1) Do you have a crush on this person? A long time ago!
 2) Did this person have a crush on you? I have no idea! haha
 3) Do you know the same people? We know some of the same people!

D. Daisy Hsu

1) How long have you known him/her? I'd say for three years 
2) Biggest regret? Suggesting she should be tied outside to a pole...she'll never let it go!
 3) Do you hate this person? Course not! I could never hate Daisy!
E. Eva Zhu

1) Have you ever met their parents? I don't think so, 
 2) Worst thing about this person? I can't think of any!
 3) Best thing about this person? She's quite mature and is open to me :D

F. Fiona Ho

1) Has this person ever made fun of you? I don't think she has!
 2) When is the next time you will see him/her? Probably at church this Sunday!
 3) Does this person love you? Probably in a friendly way
G.  Grace Wong

1) Are they a good listener? Yip! She listens to a lotta rubbish I tell her!
2) Have you ever lied to this person? Nope!
3) Is this person funny? Yip!

H. Angie Huang

1) What grade are they in? 3rd year at uni
2) Is he/she your friend? I sure hope so!
3) Something you have in common? We....go to the same church!


Ibrahim Al-Mudalla


1) How'd you two meet? We both do pharmacy and he was in my formulation project group last year
2) Any siblings? I'm not too sure
3) Ever done something sexual with this person? nooooo
J. Jenny Wang

1) Do they have any siblings? Nope
2) Do they like to dance? I haven't seen her dance much
3) Whats his/her favorite color? Hmmmm....I probably should know this! Pink

K. Ng Kee Sean

1) Is this person older than you? I think I'm slightly older!
2) How do you know them? He joined the Dessert Club Committee this year
3) How many times do you talk to them in a week? Not that very often!
L. Anthony Albert Liu

1) How old were you when you first met? This year so...21!
2) What's his/hers pets name? I don't know about that one!
3) Love this person? Man love!

M.  Phillip Mobberley

1) What would you do if you had never met this person? I would be half the man I was today :O
2) Do you like him/her as a friend? Yip!
3) Would you go to Disneyworld with this person? Yeah we'd have heaps of fun!

N. Namida Verasche

1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope!
2) Have you seen this person cry? Nope!
3) Do you know this person's middle name? I don't think he has one? I know his old name before it got changed!

O. Joon Suk Oh

1) Are you related? Nope! 
2) When is the last time you saw this person? In person would have to be... at the airport when I was farewelling him forever! :(
3) What school do they go to?  University of Virginia 

P.  Paul Wu 

1) Have you been to the mall with this person? Nope!
2) How about a sleepover with them? in the park? Not that either!
3) Does this person have a job? I'm not too sure, but I think so!

Q. George Qiao
1) What classes do/did you have with him/her? I don't think I've ever been in his class? We did go to the same school though!
2) Does he/she have a good personality? It's unique ;)
3) What's his/her best quality? He's very persistent!

 R. Min-Ran Cheng

1) When will you see this person next? Tomorrow night at the Dessert Club AGM!
2) Does this person have any siblings? Yip Xin-Yan!
3) Describe them in one word? Happy!

S. Szelin Yap

1) Have you heard this person sing? Nah I haven't actually!
2) Do you think this person will repost this? She probably won't even know I've done this ;)
3) Is she/he awesome? Uber awesome!

T. Winston Tan

1) What kind of music do they like? I think he likes quite a variety!
2) Do you consider him/her a friend? Yip!
3) Have you ever spent the night with them? Not the whole night, just stayed late at his house with his family

U. Talila S'au

1) Funniest moment with this person? I can't think of one! (sorry!)
2) When did you meet them? At high school
3) Do you like this person as a friend? I think so!

V.  Vanessa Tsang

1) Is this person loud or quiet? She seems quiet, but not when you talk to her!
2) Describe this person? She is friendly! I want to get to know her better!
3) What color eyes does this person have? Dark brown!

W. Andrew Wong

1) Is this person close to you? I would think so!
2) Have you told this person a secret about you? I can't remember! 
3) Favorite place to go with this person? Youth Group!

X. Xin-Yan Cheng

1) Is this person close to you? I'm not too sure if we're that close?
2) Have you told this person a secret about you? I don't think I have!
3) Favorite place to go with this person? Dessert Club meetings? hahaha

Y. Micheal Yang

1) Does this person wear make-up?  I don't think he does!
2) Does this person play any sports? I know he plays basketball and goes to the gym!
3) Is this person smart? He's very smart!

Z. James Zhu
1) Are you related? Nope!
2) When is the last time you saw this person? On Sunday at church I think
3) What school do they go to? Avondale College


  1. LMAO shot calum, daisy should definetly be tied to a pole outside!

  2. lmao tie daisy to a pole outside! SHOT calum
