Sunday 17 October 2010

Getting in Trouble

I got myself into trouble with some girls at church today. I admit it might've been my fault but I'll let you decide...

1. After I led children's worship, I teased Ruth about her new haircut...OK my fault! I did feel bad about it and apologised and told her it looked good afterwards...

2. I brought my depression notes to study at church during the service (forgive me God!) and after the service I approached my good friend Daisy and went through the symptoms to see if she had experienced any of them, and she accused me of thinking she was depressed! OK that's probably my fault too...but I was just revising! If it makes her feel any better, I left my notes in one of the new classrooms while I went out to carry some old tree branches to a big rubbish bin as part of church cleaning. When I returned to get my notes though they were all gone! Fortunately it's all on the internet so I can just reprint it all!

3. OK this one I'm pretty sure wasn't my fault! It actually started on the previous Friday night during supper, when Joylynn, one of the girls in my youth group asked if she could look at my phone. I gave it to her, thinking she was just going to play games on it like she usually does. I then noticed her trying to get into my inbox, and so a chase ensued!

Once I got my phone back, Joylynn asked me how many girlfriends I had or have had in the past, and that Antonia wanted to know! When I tried to dodge the question, they cornered me and kept trying to ask them! I managed to avoid telling them long enough that they eventually had to go home before I had to give them an answer. I did tell them to check out though! ;)

In the morning before children's worship though, Antonia asked me again and I promised I'd tell her at lunch. I managed to avoid her till after singing practice. Once Gabrielle (one of the leaders) left for choir and it was just me and the girls, they cornered me again but this time they were armed with...hand sanitiser! They squirted hand sanitiser all over my clothes! I smelled like coconut!

I eventually told them though. I still have no idea why they were so interested to know, but we'll see what happens this Friday!

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