Thursday 21 October 2010

A Farewell to the Dessert Club

Tonight was the Dessert Club AGM...I know, we actually had one this year! In the past we've had our Dessert Club AGM in the park, but this time we actually a full-blown AGM in one of the Engineering School lecture theatres with proper speeches, and some of the aspiring committee members giving speeches as to why they wanted people to vote them to the positions they were going for.

As for me, because I'll (hopefully) be graduating at the end of this year, it marked the end of my four years in the Dessert Club, with three of them being in the committee. I was fortunate enough to be asked to give a speech about my experience in the club towards the beginning of the AGM, after I was presented with my certificate to certify my Senior Advisor and Web Manager positions in the club this year. They also gave me this little figure saying 'Cool Dude' which was too!

 Here's a transcript of my speech:

A lot of you outside the committee may not know me as I haven’t been to too many Dessert Club events this year, but I’m Calum and as probably the most senior committee member I’ve been asked to say a few words about my time in the club and the committee, which is sadly coming to an end.

I remember my first year of uni. Quite a few of my friends drifted towards a certain Kiwi Asian Club, but being the cheap person that I am, I was lured to the Dessert Club’s stall in Orientation Week by the free Dunkin Donuts they were giving away. While I was slack at attending events, for some reason I managed to make it to more Dessert Club events than others, probably because they were either cheap or they were offering free food!

It was not till later in the year after I competed in the club’s Amazing Race that I considered being in the committee.

During my time on the committee I’ve held all sorts of positions, from web manager to senior advisor. We’ve organised and run all sorts of events which have given me many memories I’ll never forget – people stuffing their faces in cream pies at the Pie Eating Competition, teams screaming at me in frustration at the Amazing Race Competition, that girl who ate over half a litre of ice-cream in less than a minute at our Ice-Cream Eating Competition, the security guard coming to shut down our Ice-Cream stall when we tried to sell leftovers, and people stuffing their mouths with marshmellows in the Fluffy Bunny Competition after our Easter Egg Hunt. Not everything has gone according to plan but that’s what makes things interesting.

There has been much more to the committee than just organising club events for me though. I’ve enjoyed the great friendships I’ve formed with many past and present committee members and all the social stuff we’ve done together as a group. We’ve been out to many restaurants and dessert places I never knew existed!

This year has probably seen the biggest change in the Dessert Club at least while I’ve been involved with the club. A lot of last year’s Dessert Club Committee members had been involved with the club for a number of years, some having been there since the club’s establishment. Almost all of them left for one reason or another and the job of keeping this club going was passed on to Suzy and Xinny. I have to admit to feeling like I had just joined the Dessert Club committee for the second time, not knowing anyone else in the committee! Despite this, Suzy and Xinny along with the rest of the committee the committee this year have done a great job this year, having stepped up to the plate by not only continuing this club’s fine tradition of providing its members with a lot of excuses to eat dessert but they have taken this club to a whole new level with membership numbers and event turnout greater than ever. This has been acknowledged by our club finally getting the recognition it deserves by not only being nominated but actually winning an AUSA Club award this year. It’s about time!

I never thought I’d say this but I’m going to miss being associated with the Dessert Club. I won’t be drifting too far away next year if I do graduate though, as I’ll be interning at the Campus Pharmacy in the IC where you can come see me and I’ll try not to kill you. Hopefully the club will let me renew my membership and attend some events!

I thank the committee of 2010 for being such a great bunch of people, and I wish the committee of 2011 all the very best. May you continue making Dessert Club the sweetest club on campus.

After my speech, the aspiring committee members each gave their speeches before we all voted, and they all pretty much got the positions they wanted, so congratulations to them all!

My time at the Dessert Club hasn't come to a complete end though, with our Mulan Rouge end-of-year event still to be held, so I'll type more about Dessert Club then!

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