Thursday 14 October 2010


These final two weeks of uni are a week of 'lasts' for us, with the end coming up quite soon!

We had our last Pharmacy Practice lectures on Tuesday, which were on pharmacist prescribing which is kinda exciting, and the other one was on...I can't exactly remember...I skipped that one to work on slides for my research dissertation that I was supposed to do the night before (I fell asleep early!). 

Yesterday we had our final law workshop EVER! We have our final ~25% law test next Friday, and so instead of having an end-of-workshop quiz, we just spent the workshop revising.

I really should be doing more study in these final weeks before the exams, but in the past few days our research dissertation groups have had to prepare our presentation slides to hand in by today. My group has decided that I'll be presenting on my own, so I've been getting the slides ready and trying to give them 'high visual impact' and doing my best to make them 'entertaining'. We spent some time in the Information Commons creating caricatures of our supervisors to put on our slides, and other students would come by and ask us what we were doing!

We finally handed in our slides on a CD to the office during our final pharmacotherapy workshop this afternoon after having a quick test in the tutorial room.

In our final pharmacotherapy workshop we did cases that were based on paediatric patients, and instead of presenting our case like usual, our group decided to be different and do a roleplay!

I also got my Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy assignment back, which I wrote on prostate cancer, and I was surprised to get a good mark! I spent the holidays working on it and thought I wrote a load of rubbish, but they obviously thought otherwise!

Oh, and we also got our leavers hoodie today as well! What a great day! The sun was shining too, so I treated myself to a trumpet!

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