Tuesday 5 October 2010

Big Bun!

Today we only had a one hour class early in the morning, so I was done by 10am! I went over to the city to get my own copy of my group's dissertation project printed. It ended up costing me $9 to print the whole thing, with the copier machine jamming twice!

Angie and I were to have lunch at 1pm, the first time we've had lunch this second half of the semester which I was looking forward to. I was starting to miss having our weekly lunches! I sat in Albert Park eating my breakfast and doing a bit of study when Angie surprised me by telling me she was going to skip class and meet me an hour early! I thought I'd try go to the toilet and beat her back to the park but I bumped into her as I left the park!

Anyway after my toilet trip, we went over to Midcity to check out some Asian gift stores so Angie could find a birthday present for Ruth, her younger sister. After a bit of thinking, she finally decided on something and we then went down Queen Street looking for something to eat.

I wanted to try something different, so our first stop was Dunkin Donuts! The girl working there happened to be someone from our church who recognised both of us! I think she's in the choir with Angie. I decided to get six of those munchkins!

We were then walking back to the park when we made another stop at the Korean pancake stall. It was too busy though so we just dropped in to the nearby Rio Kitchen, where I bought this massive bolo bun for $2! The girls at the shop were laughing at me and comparing its size to their heads!

Angie wanted an ice-block so we stopped by a dairy and then went up to the park where we just sat for the remaining time Angie had and just ate and talked. I could only get through a bit of the bun before I got full! I got mocked for that.

When it was time for Angie to go to class, we were walking to her class when someone called out to me, and it turned out to be Zippo my neighbour! She was also Angie's intermediate school friend so we had a bit of a catch-up before Angie went to class and I went with Zippo to the library to do a bit of study (or should I say sleeping?).

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