Saturday 30 October 2010

The Final Written Test

This morning was hopefully my last ever written exam - my pharmacotherapy exam! Pharmacotherapy is usually the toughest subject, as there's so much to study for! We also usually have the oral exam before the written one as well. 

I wasn't sure how prepared I was, so I wasn't overly confident, especially after Thursday's exam which didn't go so well! 

I was originally going to catch the 6.50 bus (yip, early for a Saturday morning!) but I missed it, so my dad drove me in. It was quite deserted! I just sat outside reading my notes before having to catch the uni bus to the Tamaki campus where the exam would be held.

I actually wrote quite a bit in the exam! We had to answer four short answer questions and write up four pharmaceutical care plans. One question was 

'Discuss the pathophysiology of meningococcal disease'

which I had absolutely no idea how to answer! I ended up trying to think of some creative way to answer that question that would sound remotely plausible!

I actually wrote quite a bit for the cases, but obviously not as much as James, the guy sitting behind me. One of the exam supervisors would regularly go over to him to hand him extra answer booklets!

By the end of the exam, my hand was cramped! We all went outside to see each other and talk (or avoid talking) about the exam, as well as to get our 2010 Pharmacy t-shirt! This year I actually remembered to buy one, which had a 'Pharmopoly' board game on the front of it.

My friend Natalie then offered to give me a ride back to Grafton along with Kunsala and Anisha.

When we got there, Kunsala said she had a spare train ticket and that I could catch the train with her! That was nice of her! We got to the train station to discover that the next train would be arriving in an hour's time, so we walked back to Subway for a bit of a feed before returning to the train station to catch the train.

Even though I have an oral exam on Monday, I don't think I've done too much study all day since the exam! I'll have to get back to it tomorrow...if I can!

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