Saturday 5 April 2008

Back Again!

After nearly two weeks of absence, I'm finally back with a lot to catch up on! I've had quite a few assignments and lab reports to complete and have been soooo tired!

So anyway going back two weeks all the way to Easter Monday when I went to yumcha with my church's youth group. We went to Sunshine Restaurant out on the waterfront, but it was a bit of a mission getting there! Cecilia and her husband Stanley, a couple of the youth group leaders came over to our house with some of the other youth group people so we could follow them to the restaurant in our car. We were just about to get on the motorway when we ended up overtaking them when they got stuck behind a car and so we went straight into Te Atatu Peninsula to do a u-turn and catch up with them. We noticed that the bus had gone though and lost them, but then they called us and said they were right behind us!

We ended up making it into the city, and drove into this multi-story car park building. We went into the restaurant and that's when we realised we didn't have a parking ticket! What must've happened was that the car in front of us got a ticket and the barrier arm went up, and while it was still up we drove in without getting our own ticket! We were trying to think of ways of getting our car out as we needed a ticket to leave the building, and so we tried walking up to the machine but it said there was no car present! We thought we'd sort it out after the lunch though.

Yumcha was pretty good. It had a wider variety than the South Auckland yumcha my family usually goes to! It was also packed with heaps of Asians! We ate and talked for a few hours. There was some weird food I had never tried, like some sorta tofu dessert that you mix together with liquid, but I thought what the hey I'll give it a go! It didn't actually taste too bad!

It was soon about time for us to go, and so now we had to deal with the problem which was how to get our car out of the car park! I tried telling Aonghas to just drive out straight after another car while the barrier arm was up, but he said there were security cameras, so he ended up ringing the car park company and a guy came over and said Aonghas would have to pay some lost ticket fee of $35. Compare that to a possibly free parking (that comes with yumcha!).

Aonghas went off to work while the rest of us went over to Cornwall Park. We played a few games together which were a bit out-there. One of them was a bit of a relay where we had to try move a rubber band down our face without moving it before leap-frogging over to the newspaper, make a hole in it and try get through it without ripping it. Our team lost that race. We also had this dress up race where we paired up, both in random clothes with one blind-folded and the other person guiding him/her. We had to run up the hill, switch clothes then run back. Our team lost that race too! We played a few other games like charades and this game where one person had to keep some water in their mouth while we tried making them spit it out. All the other people around us at Cornwall Park probably thought we were weird!

It was really cool though being able to hang out with the other people in the youth group, getting to know them better. The day before at the special Easter service at church where Hannah, this pharmacy girl got baptised, she had talked to me about how she was really close with the people in her youth group and how they were like family, and just spending time with these other people sorta made me feel a little more confident and open about being a (or trying!) to be a Christian, I've even changed my religious status for the first time in Facebook! haha So thanks Hannah and youth group for that!

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