Tuesday 8 April 2008

My Saviour!

Energy drinks are the answer!!!

After finishing all my lectures by midday, I went back into the city to eat lunch and study by the fountain at Albert Park. Once I finished eating I got into reading through my notes, when I started to drift off....that's when my book and my notes went CLUNK on the ground in front of all the Asian tourists hanging around posing for photos!

I went back to the Info Commons to try study in the quiet study space but that proved too hard for me. I pretty much wasted an hour constantly dozing off, and that was the final straw. I went to Munchie Mart to get me an energy drink to try!

I spent a little while staring at the energy drinks thinking...would this set a precedent? Would I get hooked? What has my life come to, having to rely on energy drinks just to get through uni? That's when a Munchie Mart guy must've gotten suspicious or thought something was up as he came over and asked me if everything was all right.

I ended up going with Lift Plus (sugar free of course!) over Red Bull and V, only because it was cheaper. Nonetheless, I stayed awake for the next couple hours studying away at Grafton!

To make it a fair test though I probably should've studied at the Info Commons again but oh well it still worked and I stayed awake, and am still awake!

I did miss the bus AGAIN tonight when I wrongly thought the bus was coming at 9.45pm instead of 9.30pm and had to wait at the bus stop (and study) for at least another hour. I ended up catching up with David on the bus and after talking to him I have to say pharmacy sounds no way near as appealing as the IT industry!

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