Wednesday 30 April 2008

Dinners Aplenty!

This week has started off pretty well for me. First of all the lecturer of my 8am class on Monday morning had to cancel the lecture due to catching some throat infection which meant a chance to slightly sleep in!! :D Well....I got an extra hour of sleep but I caught a later bus into uni and met up with Phoebe on the bus!

Anyway the two highlights of the past two days so far have been the pharmacy dinners! On Monday night was the 1st year pharmacy dinner. Because I am an 'Alternative Admissions' student (it just means I transferred to pharmacy in 2nd year and have to take some 1st year papers to catch up) and know quite a few 1st year pharmacy students from camp, they wanted me to come along to their dinner. Originally Michael (who went to camp with me) and Ziheng, another one of my friends who is an alternative admissions student were going to come, but Michael's ATM card got munched up by the ATM machine while Ziheng pulled out.

I turned up to the dinner at 6pm and found out it actually started at 6.30pm! I just sat there for a while before the whole group of 1st years came up. There were only fourteen of us that night. Most of them were from my cabin group or those who went to pharmacy camp! That was pretty cool though as we knew each other. I ordered this large pizza and managed to just finish it all! I also ordered this chocolate mousse afterwards which was pushing it!

We finished the dinner at about 8pm and we all slowly walked down the road as a group before one by one we caught rides home. It was really cool catching up with all the 1st years though!

On Tuesday it was the 2nd year pharmacy dinner! I was a little unsure whether I wanted to go as sometimes I wonder if I know the 2nd year pharmacy students as well, but it was great! Word was to dress up as pirates but I completely forgot about it as I fell asleep the moment I got home the night before and didn't prepare anything! I sat next to this group of girls, some of whom are really good friends with my friend Diane. I also sat with James, this cool Malaysian guy and some other pharmacy people I haven't really talked to before. Nonetheless, I got to get to meet quite a few people throughout the night and now I know a few new names!

Apparently our year is the most sociable year with the hottest girls (according to the pharmacy students association's president!), and I can definitely say they're sociable! We had people taking photos all over the place, people shouting, the Asians playing some variation of rock paper scissors in which the loser got his face tagged with a marker...

This time I ordered this pizza that was divided into four quarters, each being a different type. Rather than eat the whole pizza like I did the night before, we pooled our pizzas together and shared them amongst each other so we got to have an even great variety of pizzas!

We finished just in time for me to catch my bus at Sky City where I caught up with David again!

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