Saturday 5 April 2008

Since I've Been Gone

I really should try sleeping early but I've still got to prepare for my recorder lessons tomorrow morning! So anyway in the past two weeks a lot has been going on. I've had a couple assignments and lab reports which have been really annoying since it's taken up quite a lot of my time which could've been spent on studying for my three tests coming up in the next week!

Yesterday was great - Friday, the last day of the week! Yay!! We had a seriously painful chemistry lecture in which the lecturer kept writing and writing on the blackboard. He completely filled it with equations, rearrangements and derivatives! One guy shouted out that nobody understood it and all the lecturer would say was to go over it after the lecture till we did!

I caught up with Chen for lunch and Jennifer for the first time at uni this year after my pharmacy lab! Pharmacy101 lab, one of two we have this semester didn't turn out to be too bad. I was sitting with a pharmacy friend Leo and next to Jade, this girl I went to this law firm with back in year 13 for this sorta work experience day. Leo had ice-cream spilt on his lab coat and smelled great! I couldn't keep myself away from him! haha We spent the two hours using different measuring devices to measure medicines such as paracetamol and some form of morphine (I can't quite remember). My favourite was the syringe!! Right at the end of the lab though, we got told we were given placebos to use, not real drugs!

Over the couple of weeks I've gotten to get to know quite a few people a bit better. On Tuesday I had an orthodontist appointment over at Middlemore Hospital and when I caught the train there I came across my cousin who works as a ticket person on board the trains! The orthodontist said something that sounded like my surgery was originally pencilled in for possibly May, but because the gap between my teeth still hasn't gone it might have to be delayed till next year! Noooooo!!!!! I did ask my orthodontist though if she had a patient called Lina, who's this pharmacy girl I met at camp (we were in the same cabin group!). The following day I caught up with Lina and we had a little talk and it turns out we're both going through the same thing, having to wear braces, being put on the waiting list for ages and getting surgery to correct our teeth! Once they cut our and put metal in our jaws we're going to be metal buddies!!

I've also gotten to know this other pretty cool girl Eliza, another first year pharmacy student I met at camp who's really into her music. She plays the French horn and played in the Westlake Orchestra, as well as the Auckland Youth Orchestra now (so you can kinda tell just how good she is!), and it turns out we know quite a few people (musicians to be specific!)! It's pretty cool talking to someone who's into similar sort of music! Just a free plug for her orchestra's upcoming concert,

The Auckland Youth Orchestra are performing in a free concert (donations welcome!) at 7.30pm, 12 April 2008 in the Town Hall.

I'll probably try coming to see that and cheering her on! It also turns out that Jenny Chen, this girl from my intermediate school is the Concert Master of the orchestra! She's really going places! I can be proud to say that I played music together with her way back in intermediate school (despite the gulf between our skill levels!).

You can kinda tell I like the 1st year pharmacy students, they're pretty cool even though I only get to see them mainly once a week.

I have managed to catch up with a few of my old Rutherford friends too (not to leave them out). Just on Thursday I went into the Business School to study when I happened to walk past Gwen, Alex, Zahir and Cameron! There was another guy there with his girlfriend and I thought he looked familiar. I took an educated guess and realised it was Samson, who used to be my friend's boyfriend! I haven't seen him since.....years and years ago! I ended up talking to them for a while before walking Gwen to her bus and just catching the bus home myself not too long after she departed since I was really tired after staying up late doing a chemistry lab report the night before!

I've had a few labs in the past week as well, including looking at bacteria, doing titrations with a machine (that is SOOO much better than doing it manually!) and some other stuff. There was one time in the lab I was trying to see bacteria in the microscope but couldn't find it. I asked for help and this demonstrator came over and told me I should try clean the lens. When I asked about the right way to do this, she took it as though I knew nothing about microscopes and went back to the very beginning explaining how to operate a microscope! Sometimes I really wonder if I'm in the right place studying the right thing!!!

As part of one of my other labs I got to check out this mini museum within the med school where there are all these preserved human body parts on display. One of the more interesting parts is a severed hand! I've got to show the 1st year pharmacy students some time!

Oh well this weekend is FULL ON study! Let's see how that goes...

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