Saturday 12 April 2008

Testing Times

A minor milestone for Calum yesterday - he compounded/prepared (or whatever you're supposed to call it) his very first drug - a salicylic acid ointment!! It was just like cooking, having to mix in the powder into the cream and get rid of the lumps. Mine was a bit lumpy though but was good enough for a first go!

Another yay! thing is getting our pharmacy badges on Wednesday!! I couldn't resist so I went and got it before my test that day.

Speaking of tests, thank goodness they're all over for another week! Two of them were multi-choice while the other was short answers (or so they claimed!). There was a bit of a story to that test for PHARMACY101. We were supposed to have the test in the level 2 lecture theatre, and so when we all got there we found the theatre to be filled with other students and some sign on the door telling us to go down to B41 (basement level). We all took the lift or the stairs and filed into B41 and crammed ourselves in that room, waiting for the officials to come and start the test. A few minutes passed and no one turned up! That's when a few people decided they'd go find out what really was going on. They soon came back and told us we were supposed to be in the level 2 lecture theatre after all! Yesterday we were told of the reason behind the test room confusion. Apparently the med students' lecture theatre got taken, and so they took ours. They then made up some bogey notice to put on the door to get rid of us! Gees those med students....

As for my first test on Tuesday, my MEDSCI202 test, I guess...that wasn't sooo bad but I was sitting next to this girl who seemed to like highlighting everything and then she would excessively scribble out the options of each question she thought was wrong, and so you'd hear this loud SCCRRIARRRRCTTTCHH (is that even a sound?) all the time!

Yesterday's test was terrible though!! I was completely unprepared for it after devoting quite a lot of my time to the two earlier tests in the week. I was cramming as much as I could the night before and was planning to that Friday morning, when I realised I had only brought half of my lecture notes with me to uni! Fortunately the test was multi-choice but the options were mostly in this sorta format:
A - blablabla
B - blablabla
C - blablabla
D - all of the above
E - A and B but not C

I soon noticed myself choosing E quite a few times! I ended up guessing a few, but we'll just have to wait and see how it goes!

And finally it's holidays for a week!'s not really a holiday because I have a lab report due on Wednesday (even have to come in to uni specifically to hand it in!!), a chem lab report, and two more tests to study for!! At least I can sleep in I guess...

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