Monday 31 December 2007

Year in Review

Once again here's a look back at 2007:


'Well I spent New Years 2007 in the car down McLeod Rd watching the Sky Tower fireworks and thank goodness for clear skies!'

- Take down the front fence (still hasn't been replaced yet!)
- Farewell Hyun and Joon at the airport
- Look after little kids at children's holiday programme
- Our last big goldfish Rydia dies
- Pass NCEA but results not too great!
- Hooked on 24
- Gwen and a few others arrange a surprise day out for my birthday!
- Catch up with the guys again in the city within the same week!


'After talking to many of the 2007 prefects of Rutherford College, it seems as though hardly anyone is looking forward to the camp in two weeks time, which is something I can't understand!'

- Chinese New Year festival at the Showgrounds
- Lindsey's Farewell with drinks (Coke for me thanks!)
- Jacqueline, Patrick and I join the Year 13 prefects at their AUT camp
- Watch the massive ship QMII leave Auckland Harbour on the eve of Chinese New Year
- Orientation fun: going round to all the stalls and grabbing free stuff with Shen, Nick and Shrikkanth


'I've been so exhausted from the first week of uni that I haven't had time to post! It's been an up-and-down week as well, so here it goes!'

- First day at uni. Got lost on the way to first chemistry lecture but made a new friend in Kevin
- Catch up with Alice after uni, try pearl milk tea for the first time, then catch up with Gwen, Alex, Zahir and Tasha at the Lantern Festival where I do karaoke!
- Go to watch AK07 fireworks at the Auckland Domain and get swamped by people while in car trying to leave afterwards
- Get told off by security guard for sleeping in library!
- Stand in for Hyun at Rutherford College's Scholars Assembly
- Catch up with Diane, have lunch at Nando's and go to her old school with her


'I got my chemistry test mark back already (wow I know after only three days!) and it turns out it wasn't too bad! As for Biosci tonight that's another matter. Everyone came out of it moaning and groaning on about how bad it was (me included). It's funny though as tonight I found the test a place a good place/time to meet some new people!'

- Uni mid-semester tests with POPLHLTH111 being a complete shambles
- Auckland Christian Mandarin Church's 30th anniversary
- Good fun at Julie and Lisa's birthday party, keeping an eye on Gwen to ensure she doesn't drink herself crazy!!
- Go to the zoo for Gwen's birthday (same day as that Virginia Tech massacre)
- Spill chemicals all over my phone in the chemistry lab


'The weekend started off with a dinner at the cousins', this time because our other relatives from down in Christchurch came up to visit. We ended up getting to meet our long-lost second cousins! Well not exactly long-lost but just unknown! I would say what their names are but...I kinda forgot already...'

- Meet our long-lost cousins from Christchurch
- Mistaken for Aonghas at the parent-teacher interviews at Rutherford College
- Told my interpretation of a piece I performed at the North Shore Performing Arts Competition is 'strange' by the judges
- Race against time to get my POPLHLTH essay done, and end up speeding and dodging traffic to get from Henderson to Tamaki in under an hour
- Break equipment in chemistry lab
- First photo sticker thing with Jacqueline, Shen and Ben!


'Could this weekend BE any worse?...well besides getting killed...but what a Queen's Birthday weekend! Once again it was the National Accordion Championships. This must've been the worst prepared us Anderson brothers have been for the competitions of any year, as we hadn't even memorised our trio till the night before, and due to uni and everything I hadn't done enough practice!'

- Lock ourselves out of our own house while preparing to leave for the accordion competitions in the morning
- Spill hot coffee all over my old accordion teacher
- Get dumped by my Bebo other-half
- Uni EXAMS!
- Catch the wrong bus, get lost on my way to Aonghas' debate
- Get taunted, abused and vilified by little kids we're looking after
- Catch up with Diane in the city to watch a movie and waste her in pool


'Friday marked an end of an era - Mr Jameson, principal of Rangeview Intermediate School retired!'

- Mr Jameson, principal of Rangeview Intermediate School retires. I'm called the flagpole guy by the school property guy
- Miss out on going to Heather's farewell get-together
- Evil kids get into my Bebo account and make me out to be some gay pedophile
- Go to the movies with Shirley
- Diane gets into vet school
- Semester 2 starts, studying the reproductive system hehehe
- UMAT!!!!


'Last Thursday I had my first MEDSCI lab at the Grafton campus, and guess what? My access card was working, so you could picture me standing there swiping my card just for the fun of it!'

- Attend my very first club event - Dessert Club movie night!
- Get lost on the bus while on my way to debating again
- Told the degree I'm studying is useless by a guy at the Coke Careers Expo
- First MEDSCI study group meeting,
- Meet the whole Mt Roskill crew
- Attend a 70's themed birthday party, dress up as a cross-dressing trucker
- Attend first Kiwi Asian Club event - foodoke
- Auckland City at a standstill for Boobs on Bikes
- Back at Rutherford College for Rutherford Day, mistaken for a student/photographer
- Perform at Rutherford's Studio Show
- Make a bet with a 13-year-old girl that I can make her scream


'Last night was the last studio show performance for the lot and also for the year. I'm sure it would've been quite emotional for some of the year 13's as it would be their last ever at Rutherford.'

- Haunted by plane crash dreams
- Have fun at the Kiwi Asian Club ball
- Our Team ACE (Alice, Lucy and me) come 5th out of 16 in the Dessert Club Amazing Race
- Get-together to celebrate Heather's return at Denny's
- A strange encounter with some homeless guy at the Sky City bus stop who claims to see spaceships in the sky
- Enter the Dessert Club Ice-Cream Eating Competition and freeze myself
- Aonghas leaves for Christchurch
- Get into trouble with some girls and one of their mums...

Actually I never got round to telling this here's how it all went...

The evil girl had a friend. She gave this friend my cellphone number and she ended up texting me and commenting on my Bebo page regularly. Her phone ran out of credit so she used her mum's Telecom phone to text me and got me to reply to her Vodafone phone. One day though she texted me with her mum's phone and I accidentally replied to her mum's phone. Her mum got her phone back before I replied, and when she saw my text, she rang me. I answered the phone, thinking it was the girl, but it turned out to be the mum! Apparently, later that night her mum was crying and so distressed as she thought her daughter had been talking to much older, dodgy guys! The mum was so angry at her daughter that she grounded her for the next several months. What made things worse was that the holidays just started and so she wouldn't be able to go out with her friends. Her friends were really annoyed with me because they blamed me for getting her in trouble. The girl didn't hate me though and didn't blame me for anything but because her friends did and were angry she was still communicating with me through Bebo, she had to stop to keep her friends happy and to avoid getting into more trouble with her mum. I haven't talked to her since!


'Yesterday was the first time I had thrown up since primary school and I can tell you it wasn't fun! After that I spent the rest of the day making trips to the toilet and struggling to sleep to forget the pain.'

- I get sick for the first time in years. Fortunately it's a weekend
- Cross paths with Fall Out Boy-obsessed tweens lining up outside Real Groovy
- Go to Gengy's and Spookers for Jacqueline's birthday
- Fall into deep, deep depression after the All Blacks loss
- Get a photo with THE MAN, THE Mr Colin Quilter
- Perform with Aonghas at Rutherford's Luv Musik concert
- Big uni EXAMS


'A few days ago a video of Aonghas and I performing an accordion duet at the Rutherford College Luv Musik Concert a couple weeks ago posted by one of Aonghas's friends managed to reach number 1 in the Top Rating You Tube videos for that week!'

- Exams finish, Kevin and I loiter around Queen St
- Great fireworks at the Trusts Stadium
- Have a job interview with the boss of Jesters Pies
- Get rejected by Farmers, rejected by current owner of Jesters, but offered a job from future owner of Jesters
- Aonghas elected Deputy Head Boy of Rutherford College
- Surgery gets postponed
- Attend Rutherford's Senior Prize-Giving
- Hamish celebrates his 21st birthday
- Work begins on the Leavers DVD
- Future owner of Jesters decides not to buy Jesters, I lose my promised job


The last few days have been busy with more and more video editing for the leavers DVD. We've had about 27 to do (a few are only half a minute and so require no editing!) so I've been flat out.

- Uni applications close, make a last minute decision
- We advertise the DVD at the year 13 farewell dinner
- I go for my pharmacy interview which gets shifted to midday after I get stuck in traffic.
- Mum gets sick, boys cook dinner - mince on nacho's
- Music school prize-giving mix-up
- Catch up with a few other ex-Rutherford students in the city for a reunion
- Church Christmas music rehearsals aplenty
- Alice gets into law!
- Aonghas's phone goes missing
- Christmas concert and service + have dinner at the neighbours
- Watch The Golden Compass with Chen and Angie
- Went bowling for Alex's birthday

Overall, an average year! Hopefully 2008 will be better!

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