Tuesday 18 December 2007



(This was supposed to be posted on Friday night!)

Tonight the Germinids were supposed to perform in the sky! In other words a meteor shower was supposed to take place at midnight tonight, but as expected nothing happened! Just clouds, dark sky and a few stars. So I was left to end up sitting outside, staring up at the sky in contemplation, thinking about my ultimate purpose on this world is, or more immediately, what I'm to do with myself! As Chen pointed out, this is possibly my mid-life crisis despite only being 18!

First of all, I got told by a friend the other night that I really needed to get a girlfriend soon because I needed the experience, to make the mistakes now and get them out of my system. She then went on to call me frigid. I tried telling her that I wasn't inhibited in the ability to experience sexual excitement during sexual activity, but she just went on telling me that she bet she had kissed more guys than I had kissed girls. I told her I wouldn't bet against her on that one!

The saddest thing about what she was saying though was that it's sorta true!

Now there is one thing I don't quite understand about girls. Why is it that when you first talk to them all is good, and then after a while they completely change, as if they're no longer interested in talking to you anymore? Here's an example of a conversation I had with a girl tonight (slightly modified just in case she's reading this!):

'Hey, how's it going?'
'Good I guess, lol'
'What you been up to?'
'Nothing much I guess, lol'

As opposed to a conversation that just keeps going and flows from one thing to another, it's the sort of conversation where you have to keep on asking questions to get an answer and to keep the conversation going. It just becomes so tiring!

Anyway, moving along...

Second of all, after going in to uni on Wednesday for a meeting with the scholarship man, I decided I'd try to find some books related to possible courses I may take next year. I ended up borrowing this book on New Zealand's legal system that I thought I might try and read whenever I had nothing better to do. I've only read bits and pieces and so far it's quite interesting. Of course I have no idea what is covered in first year law papers, and did try to ask at the law library if they had any copies of this year's course guides for LAW121 and LAW131 but all they could provide was the undergraduate handbook for law. The same went for commerce!

I found out today that I've been approved for the Health Science/Law conjoint degree if I choose to take that up next year. I'm waiting to see if I get into pharmacy first. If I do, I guess I'll probably go into pharmacy (might as well I suppose...it doesn't sound too bad and plus people need pharmacists), but if I don't then I have no idea which I'll choose to do. While ideally I wish I could've done Law/Commerce from the beginning, now that I've completed one year of Health Science it's probably best that I don't waste that year's worth of studying by completely starting again.

A lot of pondering to do!

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