Thursday 6 December 2007

Getting Prepared

In the morning is my big pharmacy interview! OK so it's not an interview for medicine but this might be a chance for me to do something a lot more interesting than health science without wasting my first year! I've got to try not to get my hopes up though, seeing as there is about 600 people going for 100 places. I'm not too sure how many are getting interviewed, or how many places are available for us alternative admissions guys, but apparently it's about 30-40 so it's really tough!

After the year 13 farewell dinner on Monday night I've been doing research on what pharmacy is all about so that I can sound like I've wanted to be a pharmacist since the day I was born! I've been getting help from a few pharmacy guys on what may possibly be asked in the interview. I've been told the Treaty of Waitangi may pop up, so I've been trying to do a bit of research on it and how it links to health care, despite having studied the treaty in history last year and in population health this year! You would expect me to know this stuff by now!

My major fear is that I'll say something that is completely irrelevant to pharmacy, or they'll ask me some question where I have to explain what I'd do in a certain situation and I'd be like


and look like a complete idiot. If I don't get in though then I suppose it won't be the end of the world and there'll always be Health Science to go back to, or possibly any of the other four degrees I will have applied for by this Saturday (come on Calum get going!)

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