Tuesday 11 December 2007

Staring at the Ceiling

Ever since coming home from church on Sunday I've found that I have absolutely nothing to do! OK that isn't completely true. I could always get round to tidying the house, but that is taking a bit of motivation! I just laid on the couch staring at the ceiling for an hour or two before there was decent enough TV to watch! I suppose at least I have an orthodontist appointment on Thursday to get excited about..

Yesterday after Aonghas got back from the dentist, Aonghas and I went to Rutherford to drop off the last lot of Leavers DVD's (and may I once again remind people I'm not obsessed with that school!!). I managed to see Mrs Taylor to actually find out about what's going on with this reunion thing for our year level on Tuesday night. Originally Mrs Taylor asked me to pass the message around, so I texted everyone I knew, and people ended up thinking I knew all the details about it! Anyway for those who don't know, we'll meet up sometime between 7-7.30pm outside the Float Restaurant before going off for drinks, talking, catching up and other stuff.
We also met up with the principal to give him a copy of the DVD, but he had already bought one and watched it over the weekend. He didn't seem to mind that we included him in the teacher sing-along video of Justin Timberlake's 'Sexyback', and in fact said that next time he would try to be more laid back!
my brothers, mum and I went to West City to try look around for any stores wanting to employ people, but we ended up coming away not being very successful. We just spent the time hanging around the mall, looking at random things. We came across Santa Claus and waved at him, and guess what? He waved back at us!!

Monday night TV is dead. I stopped following Heroes after two episodes mainly because Desperate Housewives came back on the channel TV2. Having absolutely nothing to do made me realise that I've got to do something! Maybe I might try get my Chinese learning back on track, or maybe even have another crack at self-learning Korean, or possibly go through Hamish's first year commerce course guides and text books. It would be nice to stay away from studying, but I have nothing better to do!

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