Tuesday 18 December 2007

Making Use of Time

I've had nothing to do for the past few days, so I've had to find things to do to keep myself occupied. Since my last post on Tuesday, I went into the city for a meeting (see my previous post) on Wednesday. After I had finished my meeting, my family came to pick me up from the city and we all went to the new shopping mall in Albany on the following Wednesday which is huge. Of course everything is expensive there, so we didn't end up buying much. We bought some cheap food from Pak N' Save though and had a good family lunch inside the car which was parked in the underground Pak N' Save car park! There was background music going on and so it was a nice setting.

We saw these cakes on display at the bakery section. There was a dog cake, a cat cake, and a hedgehog cake, and they all looked so yummy! That day was also the first time we had been along that new motorway in Albany. I'm not too sure what it's called but it was pretty much like any other motorway.

On Thursday night we had a music rehearsal at church. Us violins remained in the main hall to practise together while Aonghas was led to another room to practise his trumpet alone with the lady in charge. This girl who recently joined the group brought SCALES for us to play! Fortunately that didn't last long! We ended up finishing before Aonghas was done, so we were just mucking around....in silence. I decided I'd try break the silence and start a conversation, so I asked the minister's son if his dad practised his sermons at home. Hamish then joined in by asking what happened once his dad finished the Bible! I also got talking to this new girl. It turns out that she (her name is Jenny) is a year 11 student at Epsom Girls Grammar School. OK posh...

We had another rehearsal on Saturday morning but we didn't get too far before it was midday. The lady kept talking though and so we were held back till about half an hour after midday. By then we had to quickly rush off to accordion lessons over in North Shore. We didn't realise it was our last lesson for the year and so we had to go buy a present at the nearby shopping mall and then wrap it up in the car before giving it to our accordion teacher. He unwrapped the present to find chocolate and returned the surprise by telling us that he wouldn't be able to share the chocolate with his wife because...she's pregnant! Congratulations to them!

On Sunday church service was...church service. I was sorta looking forward to Sunday School because it was going to be a fun Sunday School with a quiz against other Sunday School classes. OK it was based on Acts, but hey you've got to be happy it's a quiz! It was also Jennifer's last class before she went to Hong Kong on holiday with her family. The lady in charge of the music group came to ask us if we wanted to have lunch during Sunday School though so we could start another rehearsal early! I was faced with a tough decision...stay for the quiz, which could possibly be fun...or not...or go with the others to Burger King and have lunch with them and possibly get to know the others better. Well in the end, Burger King and the attraction of getting to know the other people won me over.

Burger King was pretty good, even though it was pretty expensive! I also got to know the others a bit better too. I have to admit I drank a little too much fizzy drink though, and when I got back to church for rehearsal I kept having to go to the toilet! The 'Burger King bonding' helped me to enjoy the music rehearsal a bit more!

For the rest of Sunday while Aonghas went over to a friend's house to console him, I just went shopping at various Chinese vegetable shops with my mum.

Yesterday was tidying day though. We pretty much spent most of the day tidying the house up, finishing off the day by washing my car. I admit it was only a half-baked job, but I will do a proper job in the next few days! I also got my second Christmas card from Kelvin. Thanks Kelvin! Oh and I forgot to thank Gwen for giving me my first Christmas card several weeks ago! Thanks Gwen too for that! I'll be giving you one when you return to NZ next year! That reminds me that I've got to send Christmas emails soon! (Sounds a bit weird...I just have a tradition of sending people Christmas emails!). I can't believe Christmas is so soon!

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