Thursday 27 December 2007

Christmas Highs and (Few) Lows

Christmas 07 has been a very mixed bag. My brothers and I just got money for Christmas and a cow...or hippo?? soft toy from our neighbour Szelin, which was cool. What also made Christmas cool were all those people who sent me emails and texts wishing me a Merry Christmas! Thanks guys I must say I haven't received that many texts in one morning for such a long time!

Some of the highs:
- Found out that I'm still friends with someone I originally thought had cut all ties with me for some unknown reason!
- After being shocked by something a really good friend had told me, we had a little 'heart to heart' and I discovered how much I meant to her
- The same friend found someone (although this also caused her a lot of grief at the same time which made her Christmas miserable!)
- Being able to catch up with Esther and Julia at the get-together at the neighbours'
- This was the first year I had sent Alice a Christmas email actually knowing who she is after having met her throughout the year! For the past couple of years I have sent her random Merry Christmas emails despite knowing nothing about her and having never talked to her before. This year I passed on my random Christmas cheer to some other person I’ve never actually talked to who kindly replied! I’ll have to figure out who she is some day!

And the lows:
- The rain!
- My friend was having a miserable Christmas

I ended up staying up till 4am finishing off typing Christmas emails to people before trying to get some sleep. That didn't last long though, as we all had to wake up early to prepare to go to church earlier than usual as we were to perform at the Christmas service.

We got there slightly late and had our last ever music group practice as a group which was kinda sad! The service opened with our group performing. This time round we didn't screw up despite playing slightly slower than we had practiced! As soon as we finished, Aonghas, Hamish and I had to go back in.

The sermon was given, with Aonghas constantly falling asleep! I kept having to kick his foot to wake him up, as it wasn't such a great look if we were seen falling asleep during others' 'performances'. They might end up falling asleep when we perform!

Eventually the sermon finished, and it was time for the group who sang carols at Waitakere Hospital to perform to the congregation. Us three brothers stood at the side to play music. We performed three pieces, including the infamous rendition of O Happy Day!

Not so soon after we had to go back up to perform Hark! The Herald Angels Sing as an accordion trio. Because the programme for the service was all in Chinese, we were really confused as to when we were to perform and had to rely on others to cue us in!

Performing our accordion trio was a bit weird. It was at the end of the service so we thought everyone would be mixing and mingling and leaving while were playing, but instead everyone remained in their seats and stayed silent! I'm not too sure if it was the acoustics but I couldn't hear Aonghas playing and he was sitting a couple metres away from me! As soon as we finished though, there was applause and we sat down, expecting everyone to start moving, but they all remained silent! We just got up and left the stage!

There was a shared lunch afterwards in the main hall/gym. We could keep going back up for more once were finished until the food ran out, but I ended up getting full after not too long. I got to the point where I just couldn't eat anymore, which wasn't good because we were going to the neighbours later that afternoon for dinner where we would be expected to eat and eat and eat! For some reason though little kids kept coming up to me! I had this boy stand in front of me while I was eating, and so I wished him Merry Christmas and asked him what he got for Christmas. He told me he got Transformers before running off. Then when I was in the foyer later on this little girl came over and said


to which I wished her Merry Christmas and she then ran off. This boy then came up to me and wished me Merry Christmas! It must be the Christmas spirit surely!

We got home and probably spent a good couple of hours doing nothing but listening to the radio, talking to Chen on the phone or texting, until 5pm when we went over to the neighbours for dinner. Szelin had her boyfriend over and so she didn't really talk much so we hung out with Esther and Julia, these two sisters we know.

After dinner Esther, Julia, Aonghas, Hamish and I all sat down and just talked for a few hours about all sorts of stuff. We were trying to crack the girls and get them to open up but they're pretty tough! They were also quizzing us on how we would approach girls we like and stuff like that. Zippo and her boyfriend soon came along.

The evil girls were there too, and despite trying to be nice by saying 'hi' to them and wishing them a Merry Christmas, I just got disgusted faces in return!

Soon it got late and when people started leaving, we took Esther and Julia over to our messy house to show them the Leavers DVD as Esther and her mum (who teaches at Rutherford) features in it. We talked for a while longer, showed them the sort of stuff I've done at uni this year as Esther will probably do something like that next year, got them to play the piano for us, and by then it was 11pm! Time to take them home!

So Christmas 2007 wasn't at all bad. The rain outside meant we were slightly more limited as to what we could do compared to past Christmases, but all-in-all it wasn't as bad as I thought it was after having typed this post!

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