Friday 21 December 2007


Job searching for me has nearly come to a complete stop as it becomes clear that job vacancies in West Auckland (at least) have dried up. I've tried to widen the search area and have a look for jobs in Auckland City, and I've found a few so I'll have to try apply for those, but I'm a little weary about the ease of transportation though!

While Aonghas continues working at Cotton On (he got promoted to shift supervisor just recently so no longer will he have to put up with slack workers who claim they have to go off to the toilet and come back half an hour later!), Hamish and I have been sitting at home trying to tidy up while watching those midday kids cartoons. Surprisingly they haven't been as bad as you'd expect! We've also begun to do a bit of gardening and work outside, such as the exciting task of sanding down the window ledges of the garage so we can repaint them, and putting a huge net over our plum tree to try (no matter how useless it may be) to prevent the birds from getting to the plums before us.

While I've been a little conservative in which jobs I apply for, Hamish has been all out applying for this and that. He just recently got turned down for a position as CEO of some trauma service, a customer service clerk at Waikumete Cemetery, and a finance assistant at some place! He almost tried applying for TVNZ political reporter down in Wellington but decided not to because he didn't want to relocate just in case they do decide to hire him (haha don't worry he wasn't serious!).

What going through these job websites has made me realise though is that I'm under-qualified and inexperienced! I'm in desperate need of any experience at all! So it's made me motivated to study something these holidays, not too sure what just yet but I'll figure it out! I might try see if I can memorise the Korean alphabet once again. I also finally started reading George Orwell's Animal Farm.

We got this new HD camera yesterday which should hopefully mean I can put up clearer videos on this! We used the money we made from the leavers DVD and I ended up having to cover the difference, but hopefully my parents and Aonghas will contribute a little more so my bank account doesn't remain too low! We still haven't tested the camera at it's highest potential though as we don't have any HDV tapes just yet, so we'll have to get a few of those soon. I really shouldn't be spending any more money for a while seeing as I have no money coming in right now!

On Tuesday night we had a dress rehearsal for the church's Christmas concert. The water had been turned off due to construction nearby, so we couldn't use the toilet, and the water from the water cooler was all gone! Our turn to perform on stage wasn't for a while due to the little kids going through their play, and so Aonghas and I went out to the hall to play a bit of basketball with the minister's son Jireh. Aonghas of course threw the ball and knocked a Christmas decoration off the wall, so we had to quickly hide it! We were all sweaty and thirsty afterwards and there was no water, but fortunately someone found some soft drinks in the fridge which was nice.

Tomorrow morning will be yet another rehearsal. I suppose at least the rehearsals are giving me something to do!

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