Monday 31 December 2007

Birthday Bowling

Happy Birthday Alex! (for yesterday)

We had church in the morning which was a special one where two other Chinese churches from around Auckland gathered at ours for an 'extended' baptism service. Now usually this would be just another one of those baptism services, but what made this one different was the fact that we knew one of the people who was getting baptised - Angie's mum! She gave her testimonial which was about eight minutes long, and despite not being able to understand it since it was all in Mandarin, it seemed pretty emotional for her.

Later that night I was invited bowling with Alex and some friends for his birthday. Along with his cadet friends, Nick, Shrikkanth, Larry, David and Sarena came along as well.

Nick and I played a game of air hockey which turned pretty dangerous, as the puck went flying over Nick's head and landed several metres away, behind the Christmas tree over by the wall (and it was Nick who hit that one!), or past Nick's head causing him to duck, or right beside the counter!

When most people had arrived it was time for bowling! We played for the first hour. My first game was terrible. After a promising start knocking nine pins down, several misses followed after that. It was only once I tried using the ramp that I got back into knocking over the pins!

The following game I did a bit better. It was the next game that I did a whole lot better, getting a few strikes and managing to get a score of 120 out of not too sure but probably something outrageous. I'm adamant it was the bowling ball! I started off using the heavier 12 ball before going down to 10.

After reaching such a high my final game was completely hopeless. I was back to my old ways of getting quite a few gutter balls. The second hour was soon close to an end that I had no time to improve again. Larry was one of the better bowlers of the night, doing this fancy sorta routine with his feet, and Alex bowled a ball just after Sarena did. This got a ball stuck at the other end, requiring one of the workers to go down there and retrieve it!

After bowling we all went out to the car park. Sarena and Larry left and the guys waited with me till Aonghas came to pick me up, but before that one of the security guards told us to leave! I can report that I made it home safely!

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