Thursday 23 August 2007

Time for a...Slight Break!

Finally uni has come to an end for two weeks at least - it's the mid-semester break!! Well it officially starts on Saturday but I don't have any class tomorrow so I'll just start tomorrow!

It's about time too, as I've already started to get restless! At the beginning of the semester I told one of my friends that I was surprised I was staying awake in lectures and was surprised how full of energy I was, only to be told by my friend to wait till the end of the semester and see if things would be the same by then! Well he was right; I'm all tired and worn out!

I had two lectures this morning that I barely survived through, and then spent a couple of hours preparing for my MEDSCI lab in the library. After that I went over to Albert Park to have some lunch and enjoy the outdoors, when one of my uni friends Kevin unexpectedly came by and joined me! We just discussed our dire situation of being stuck studying a useless degree i.e. Health Science

"Most people who don't know what to study just do BCom, while we did Health Science!!"

Yep that's us! As soon as it hit 1pm I had to dash off to the Clock Tower to check out this Student Life Christian meeting thing that Ayesha (my ball partner way back in year 12! She's now a 2nd year law student) had been encouraging me to come to for the past few days. It was ..interesting, all about the differences between men and women. I also got to catch up with Ayesha after not having seen her since the ball way back then! (Well I've chatted to her just never had the chance to catch up with her in person since)

I then dashed off to my MEDSCI lab over in Grafton where we got to play with THE BRAAAAIIIN. That was...OK...We mainly just spent the three hour lab session identifying the different parts of the brain. Our brain had a tag BH42.

To conclude the first half of semester two, we had a test!

But yay now it's holidays now! Well...sorta...I've got four exams in the first four days back after the holidays so I'll have to be studying hard out!

Heather and Diane will be coming back up to Auckland during the holidays though so I'll have to catch up with them!

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