Tuesday 14 August 2007

Get it Right Calum!

This morning in my health psychology lecture I was sitting next to my friends on one side, and this other guy was sitting next to me on the other side. I thought I'd try start a conversation with him and here's how it went...

"So you don't do health science do you?"
"I'm in your health psychology tutorial!"

So quickly to redeem myself...

"Oh yeah that's right! Sorry I didn't recognise you for a second there...Your name's Lenny aye? 2nd year pharmacy student?"
"Yeah that's right. Sorry I forgot your name...is it Richard?"

Later that day we got handed our health psychology 'behaviour modification' assignment in our tutorial, in which we have to modify one aspect of our behaviour for three weeks.
Some possible options for me:
- Sleep earlier
- Study more
- Study more
- Use the internet and watch TV less
- Study more

Yesterday morning I had an appointment with the surgeon who will be operating on my jaw in November - 12th November to be exact, the Monday straight after exams! He took a few measurements of my face, and determined that it is most likely that he will only have to operate on my bottom jaw. That means there is less chance that any nerves will be damaged PHEW! Or else I would lose feeling in my lower lip and chin or around the edge of my tongue! That would be weird!

The unfortunate thing though is that it will take me about 3-4 weeks to recover fully. During that time I will be swollen and restricted to eating soft food. Hamish's 21st birthday is that very same week so it looks like I'll be missing out on eating some yummy food, as well as whatever comes with Christmas!!! Oh well a small price to pay I guess!

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