Wednesday 8 August 2007

The Last Minute

Well I'm bored while I'm at uni... I really should be studying but I just handed in an assignment on the biopsychosocial model for population health that I had stayed up for two nights trying to complete (OK I still had a few hours of sleep!) but I'm too tired to so I thought I'd just waste some of the $7.00 the university has given me to spend on the internet till 7pm when I go off to Auckland Grammar to support Rutherford vs Auckland Grammar in the advanced debating grand finals!!! Go Rutherford!!
More good news - the senior Rutherford debating team (my brother's in that one) just defeated Auckland Grammar in the semifinals last night and so they're through to the grand final in a couple weeks time (or 21st August to be exact...put it in your diaries!!) to take on either Tuakau or St Kentigens.
Anyway flash back to Sunday. I DARED Angie to come to church that morning and guess what? She did! I kept myself awake trying to keep Aonghas awake by kicking him in the shoe. Angie was sitting behind us with her mum either doing her homework or doodling.
Finally when the service was over Hamish, Angie and I walked over to our Sunday School classroom to find it stinking inside, so we hung outside talking for a little while catching up with each other after four weeks since I last saw her and since she last went to church! Sunday School was a little boring. There weren't that many people there for some reason...well three of them were moving houses (they're brother and sisters) and Jennifer had her ball the night before so that's probably why! While our Sunday School teacher Sherman went on and on about something in one of the bible's chapters, Angie scribbled a little note to me saying
"I'm kinda lost!"
And that's when we started having a secret little scribbling conversation! That was until the class finished...
Later that afternoon we went to the Auckland Town Hall to watch the Auckland Symphony Orchestra perform river music. Yes I know river music doesn't sound all that riveting, but it was a loosely themed programme anyway. Once again we got told off for taking photos in the Town Hall! How come we seem to be the ones who always get picked on when other people get away with it??!!!
While my mum spent half an hour checking out that Japanese $3 shop after the concert, Hamish, Aonghas and I walked down Queen St looking for interesting things to look at. I decided to show them the arcade that Alice had taken me to, and showed them what DDR was like! We didn't actually try it out. We just watched someone else attempt it.
Monday was just another uni day, except that I:
- caught up with my German friend Michael in MEDSCI for once because I came early! Yay!!
- paid Sarena to buy my KiwiAsian Club ball ticket. YES I'm going to a ball this year and the first ever KiwiAsian Club event for me! Yay!!
- went to Tamaki an hour early to attend my tutors' office hours to get some advice for my assignment. Yay....
I tried staying up all night working on my assignment. I managed to do a little bit but didn't quite get it all done. I managed to only have two hours of sleep before it was back off to uni!
The topic of my health psychology lecture that morning? SLEEP! Some worrying things we learnt are that sleep deprivation can make you sick, get cancer or KILL YOU! Eeek I've got to sleep earlier! I'm getting an assignment for health psychology next week in which we have to modify our behavour or something like that. My dad suggests I try going to bed early!
As expected I kinda dozed off a little in that lecture. Medsci was pretty good. Our lecturer concluded his last lecture on the endocrine system by singing a song about MEGA-STRESS (to the tune of I want to be in America from Westside Story). I'll try put it up here somehow!
I had my health pscyhology tutorial up in Grafton where I got to play with the cool access cards again, oh and learn stuff. I met a few new people in my class too! I did fall asleep a little during the video clips that were shown!
I was originally going to hang around Grafton because I heard the biology class from Rutherford were somewhere on campus, but I never found out so I went back to the city and had lunch with Alice before working on my assignment in the computer room till about 6pm when I went off to catch the bus to Diocesan School.
Fact: till last night, Calum had never caught the right bus or get off at the right stop while trying to get to Diocesan School.
1st attempt - I got off and found myself at Epsom Girls Grammar.
2nd attempt - The bus just ignored me and drove off!
This time I was hoping I would make it! I thought I'd take a quick snooze on the bus. When I woke up though I found myself looking through the window at this building that said 62 on it. I knew I had to get off at 29 Great South Road, and so I thought I might've missed my stop! I pushed the bus stop button. As the bus moved a little more along the road, I saw a road sign and realised that this was a different road! I was thinking I might have to get off to save face! However, the bus stopped at the next bus stop. No one got off, the bus driver closed the doors and continued. PHEW!
I managed to get to Diocesan all on my own only to find the building locked! Mrs Betanzo, an English teacher from Rutherford just turned up at the same time though and we saw someone working in an office who we got to unlock the door.
As I mentioned before, Rutherford beat Auckland Grammar in the semifinals, and I must say I've never seen depressed Grammar boys before! Although these guys weren't overly sad, they weren't acting like it didn't matter either! Seeing that kinda felt...yeah anyway...
I was going to get a lift back to uni with my dad who was transporting the rest of the team, till he realised he locked his steering wheel and didn't have the key for it! That's when I took my cue to exit! I ended up staying at the uni till 11pm working on my assignment before catching the bus home.
I got really frustrated at night while trying to work on it as this biopsychosocial model has been so confusing to get my head around! I eventually decided to take three hours of sleep before keeping on going.
As soon as I got up I took a shower and planned the rest of my essay in there and then kept on working right up till 11.45am. My first lecture for the day was at 12pm so my dad rushed me into the city for the lecture. That kinda reminded me of the last time I finished my assignment at the last minute! Anyway I handed in my essay with a couple hours (which were occupied by a lecture and tutorial) to spare, and spent the rest of that time nodding off in Tamaki.
When I got back I caught up with Shen and his friends for the first time! And now is about the time I should get going to catch the bus to Auckland Grammar. Hopefully I don't miss this one! Fingers crossed for a 2-nil Rutherford clean-sweep over Auckland Grammar!

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