Sunday 19 August 2007

Roskill Domination

I had to go into uni on Friday for just one lecture in the morning and then afterwards attend my very first MEDSCI study group session...well actually my very first study group full stop!

I got into the live lecture theatre with my friend Henry, and I saw Estee sitting in the row behind me so I txtd her and she saw me! I got a text a little later on during the lecture from her that said

"Calum you're falling asleep!! lol"

I replied telling her I was looking down at my notes ;)

I was sitting in the General Library foyer staring at this really weird display where a bike is on a treadmill. had only completed 2.2 laps...when along came Jerrard my chemistry lab partner from first semester! He introduced me to his girlfriend which was cool.

I attended the MEDSCI study group later that morning. I was originally a little anxious as I thought I'd be the dumb one there! It didn't turn out to be so bad! This health science student Andy was running it. I don't know how he managed to learn everything he told us! I also met this girl called Courtney who's a frequent poster on the message boards! There were a few more other people in the group too. We're going to get together some time during the holidays to get to know each other better...hopefully!

After the session I was walking back to the library when I saw Melissa walking in the opposite direction. I then saw her say hi to Courtney who was behind me and then hug each other! It turns out Courtney went to Kelston Girls High School as well!

I was originally going to wait for Alice before getting my free munchkins (doughnuts) from the Dessert Club stand when I met Dickson, my old intermediate school friend, in the Information Commons. He had just finished playing basketball and had nothing to do so we ended up walking down to Burger King for something to eat.

While at Burger King I caught up with Toby, another intermediate school friend and one of Dickson's really good friends! Toby, Dickson and I were all in the same class in year 8 back at Rangeview until Toby moved back to Mt Roskill half way through the year. And so my encounter with Mt Roskill people for that day began...

After I got back into the city, I met up with Alice and Elena in the Information Commons. They're both also Mt Roskillians, although Elena also used to go to Rangeview for one year before moving to Mt Roskill! Elena soon had to go, and then Lun Shen came along, another Mt Roskill guy! I kinda met him through Alice, although I think Diane (who's another Mt Roskill girl till she moved down to Palmerston North!) mentioned him a few times.

Apparently some guy got hit by a girl in a car down Symonds St! That was the main talk of the day. I had just been telling Alice and Lun Shen something about some girl called Karmen (from Mt Roskill of course) who Diane had mentioned (I think her good friend?) when not too long after guess who comes along? Karmen!

Next on the list...Winnie, this other girl from Mt Roskill! Actually I was just talking to Diane a few days ago about pharmacy and she was telling me about those two girls in pharmacy! So when I met them I was a little taken aback that they were the real thing! (maybe it's just the feeling of being able to put face to name huh?)

And then if the day couldn't get any more Mt Roskill, Zehra, this other Mt Roskill girl passed by! When I was introduced to her for some reason she recognised me...or maybe that was after she heard my name...but I suppose that's probably after Diane, Zehra and I played pool online earlier this year!

I really can't believe how many former Mt Roskill Grammar people study at Auckland University! There's hardly any Rutherford students!

So to top off this day, I took a photo with all of them (well Zehra left early and Alice didn't want to be in it ALICE!!!) so I could send it to Diane and make her even more homesick ;)

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