Sunday 8 July 2007

Which is it

I was invited to the city on Friday night to hang out with a group of old school friends to farewell Heather, our Head Girl of 2006 and friend of many years who is leaving for Christchurch! We were all going to hang out at some club...or bar...(I've never been before) late at night until early in the morning. That is until my mum barred me from going! Her reasons:
- the city is dangerous at night and I might get involved or mixed up with the wrong people
- the weather was bad
- no transport home (OK fair enough, the next bus home would have been at 6am but I could've shared a taxi with someone!)

After a week of begging my mum to let me go and say goodbye to Heather one last time, she still refused to let me go, right up till Friday night! So there went my first opportunity to find out what this whole clubbing thing is all about...maybe next time...

To make up for this...slightly I guess..., the next day I went to the movies to watch Fantastic Four with Shirley, this Korean girl from Rutherford. Originally her friend Jieun was going to come and Aonghas was also going to come, but then they both had to go do other things, so it was just me and Shirley.

Once again, I was late! I was waiting for Aonghas as he was planning on coming with me, but then at the last minute he thought he better attend his friend's get-together because he felt bad for her. I was supposed to meet up with Shirley at 1.30pm but she was late as well as she was walking to West City too, so we both ended up meeting each other at 2pm.

Fantastic Four wasn't too bad, and that has nothing to do with the fact Jessica Alba is in it! It was one of those usual superhero movies full of action and everything which was good.

Once the movie was over we went over to the foodcourt to talk a little bit before we went on a search through the shops for something Shirley needed. We then went to (out of all places) Whitcoulls to sit and have a chat about...stuff! We then walked home in light rain!

By the time I got home Aonghas told me my mum had gone out to look for me (she had been working all day and my dad told her that I had gone down to West City to do some shopping...). That was a little scary as I was expecting my mum to come home in a rage, but if only she had a cellphone so I could contact her and let her know! Well it turns out she went down to West City with Hamish to buy him some shoes.

My mum was tired by the time she got home and in no mood to cook, so the onus was on me to feed the family! I had to use the very little knowledge of cooking I had to whip up a little something special - toast, rice with soya sauce and pie! I also boiled some eggs but because they took nearly half an hour to boil for some reason I never got round to eating them. The rice tasted good but I put too much soya sauce on it! I ended up being the last person at the table still eating my dinner slowly as it tasted horrible!

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