Friday 13 July 2007

Friends Here There Gone...

Congratulations to Hyun and Joon for getting a scholarship at their Korean university!!! I can now proudly say I know people who got scholarships at a Korean university! :D

Besides that, I just found out my German friend from university decided to switch courses from Health Science to Sports and Exercise Science, so that's another friend in Health Science gone (to add to Heather!). I've got to check if any of my other friends will still be doing Health Science next semester!

Today is also Diane's last day in Auckland, which is so sad! I didn't even get a chance to hang out with her one more time before she left! I shouldn't be too greedy though, at least I got to spend some time with her earlier in the holidays. I'll just have to count down six weeks until she comes back up to Auckland for inter-semester break!

I had a conversation with a certain person today (NB: described as 'it' to protect identity!) which went something along the lines of

FRIEND: "Where's my love?" (Bebo luv)
ME: "Hi to you too!!"
ME: "60's quite a lot!"
FRIEND: "But I need more"
FRIEND: "If you really love me and you're my friend you would give it."
ME: "But doesn't that apply both ways?"
FRIEND: "I've given you heaps" (Even though I haven't gotten any from 'it' in ages and I've given 'it' more loves than 'it' has given me!)
ME: "But haven't I shown you friendship in many other ways?"
FRIEND: "Not in that way"

I give in and give 'it' another love.

ME: "Do I get any love?"
FRIEND: "I don't have any right now."

Hmmmm....I never knew friendships could end up relying on Bebo luv...

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