Friday 13 July 2007

Natural Destruction

The weather has been pretty bad lately! A few days ago it was so bad it

- knocked out power from several areas of Auckland and other areas of NZ (how could we forget the rest of NZ!),
- blew fences over (very bad)
- blew motorcyclists off their bikes on the Auckland Harbour Bridge (hopefully not off the bridge though!)...even BADDER (OKOK worse)
- (and most importantly) blew over our basketball hoop!

There is usually a positive that comes along with every negative, and while the wind snapped our basketball hoop in half and blew it over, the positive is that it landed on the grass and not on my car! I know that would've made for a GREAT photo but I don't think that'd make up for the money spent on the car and the loss of its use!

Well my tenure as babysitter has come to an end. Wednesday was the last day I was looking after the kids. I had a near hear-attack when the eldest girl (who I ONLY let use my laptop) let me know the '3' key of the keyboard was missing! I tried to get the youngest boy to tell me where it was but he just kept laughing, thinking it was funny so I had to look for it myself and ended up finding it behind the couch. Thank goodness it snapped back on! While I was playing Go Fish with the kids my mum saw a white car come up the driveway and after a bit of investigating she found out the neighbours had arrived home a day earlier! The kids went straight back to their house with not much of a bye, except for the littlest boy who called out to me saying he was going to miss me!

It's ALL on between me and that 13-year-old girl though! After I warned her to watch her back (in the friendliest of ways! ;) ) she sent me the email which I posted a couple days ago warning me of her Super-Evilness. I let Zippo and Szelin (my neighbours who went on holiday) know of what Kar-mun (evil girl!!) did to my Bebo profile, expecting sympathy, but instead Zippo went straight to Kar-mun and started congratulating her on her good work! Szelin was a little sympathetic towards me, promising to help me create a perfect Friday the 13th for her, until tonight when she told me she wasn't going to help me because she heard I was mean to Kar-mun!!! A little bit of manipulation there!

Anyway late that night Szelin asked Aonghas and me if we wanted to go for a walk with her. It turns out she wanted us to give her company on the way back from the bus stop after her boyfriend caught the bus, so we followed behind them till we got to the third bus stop (that's after he had missed buses at the other two!). As we were walking back there were these people standing on the footpath wrapped in blankets. We figured they were either homeless, drunk, kicked out of their house or locked out of their house! They were a bit scary though!

We went back to Szelin's bedroom to talk for a while. She wasn't tired as she was still on Malaysian time, and so we just talked for several hours before I decided to sleep on her  floor while Aonghas kept talking with her. Eventually it was 3am and Aonghas and I decided we better go home until we realised everyone was asleep and we didn't have a key! We were about to sleep over at the neighbours' before we decided we'd just risk waking everyone up and knock on the door at our house. We looked around our house for any sign of light inside (hoping no one mistook us for thieves!) and fortunately Hamish was still awake! So we knocked on the window and he let us in!

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