Wednesday 18 July 2007

Take Two

And second semester has begun! My timetable for this semester isn't too bad. Besides Monday and Wednesday, I finish by midday on Tuesday and 10am on Thursday and Friday (only one hour on Friday in the morning!). My early starts aren't as bad either. I start at 9am on Mondays and Fridays, 8am on Tuesdays and Thursdays and at 12pm on Wednesdays!

I was talking to a few people who were telling me they get a day off those lucky people! Alice and Estee have a day off on Wednesday while Hamish has a day off on Monday. Unfortunately I don't get any days off! Or so I thought...I was waiting in line today for my course guide at Tamaki when I overheard a girl behind me saying our lecture on Fridays is actually a spare lecture spot, which means I get a three day weekend!!!! :D

I ended up choosing ECON151G (Introducing the Global Economy) as my general education paper, and so far I don't regret it! It's been very basic and easy to understand so far. Today we had this Indian lecturer who reminded me of the Economics teacher at Rutherford College Mr Calvert! On Monday the whole lecture theatre was full and I was sitting in one of the front rows by myself when this Asian guy climbed over the row of chairs and told me he thought he recognised me from somewhere. I took a stab at his name and turns out I got it right! I had sat next to him in one of the BIOSCI classes last semester! He didn't remember my name though..

I then got a txt from Patrick who told me he could see me! So now I've got someone to sit with in economics! It'll probably be a breeze for him since it's probably 5th-6th form economics.

A sad thing though was that on Monday when the lecturer wanted a show of hands to see who was studying which degree, she asked:

"Who's doing architecture? Engineering? Law? Science? OK how about we break it up. Who's doing a BSc? And who's doing Biomed?"

What about Health Science?????!!!!!!!!!

It also turns out Estee is in my MEDSCI class as well, as well as my German friend who quit Health Science! I hung out with him and my other Health Science friend Henry on Monday after the lecture until we had to go our separate ways. Sarena also has her BIOSCI lecture right before the MEDSCI lecture, so we get to see each other most mornings now!

Today I missed my Population Health lecture as I was stuck in a line waiting to buy my course guide. I ended up not bothering to go to the later lecture and instead catch the bus to go back into the city. When I got back into the city I caught up with Nick after a long time, as well as Jane! Embarrassingly I forgot Nick's girlfriend's name (memory block I swear!!!!) but now I know!

So semester two isn't too bad. I've still got quite a few Health Science friends (despite none of them being from Rutherford) doing Health Science, and hopefully will make some more!

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