Tuesday 30 May 2006

Interesting times ahead

I got my stats results back today and they weren't as bad as I expected. Although it looks like my hopes and dreams of dropping physics to possibly sit one uni paper have been dashed because the exams for 2nd semester clash with NCEA exams, so it looks like I'm completely stuck at high school!
Anyway while I'm at high school might as well make the most of it. We had to try sing some Chinese pop music in Chinese class today. Some of the music the teacher played to us wasn't too bad. We're going to this Buddhist temple as a class trip with Chinese students from all year levels going (I think about 75 in total?). The Chinese teacher wants us 6 7th formers to be leaders of three groups. Oh no not Calum though...Calum can be on the video camera and film everyone yay! The temple is holding a video competition (lol) which the Chinese teacher wants to enter. Hopefully I don't miss out on all the exciting stuff like Tai Chi and meditation..
We got the programme for the accordion championships this weekend. There's just two people in the championship class I'm in - me, and this guy. This guy I'm up against though has been practising his programme since yonks ago and competed in the world champs late last year so I really have no chance. As long as I get second and don't screw up too badly! (Some people who are the only competitor in their class have come third in previous years!)
...oh just by the way...I'm a guy with dark brown hair brown eyes, arms, legs, one nose and a few fingers all there, looking for a ball partner preferably female (if male no strings attached please!...nah I'm straight) help me fulfil my 6th New Years resolution...

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