Friday 26 May 2006

Could It get any Worse?

Haven't posted anything all week because of exams. Anyway thank goodness they're all over, they couldn't have gone worse!

I had my first statistics assessment in time series and a Chinese exam on Monday. The time series assessment didn't go too badly till afterwards someone who had looked at my computer screen (CHEATING!!) told me I had typed in the wrong value! Chinese exam was not too bad. The listening exam turned out to be exactly the same one the Chinese teacher had given us a week ago for practice! All six of us year 13 Chinese students had finished our exam within the first two hours but we weren't allowed out early and so we had to stay in for another hour! The teacher told us that there were three options: recheck our papers, draw, or catch up on some sleep.

I didn't have any exams on Tuesday but on Wednesday morning I had a physics assessment. Because I sat year 13 physics last year I had already done this assessment, and so I was expecting to do the same experiment as last year (and I happened to catch the physics teacher setting up the same equipment the day earlier!). When I came into the room the next morning while everyone else was doing the experiment I did last year, the physics teacher gave me a special seat with a different experiment to do, while I had studied for the other one the night before!

Today I had history in the morning and statistics bi-variate data in the afternoon. History wasn't too bad, but while everyone wrote heaps of pages for at least one of their history essays, I only wrote two and a little pages for each of my two essays, and for the resource interpretation (where they give you a whole page to write on for each source x6) I only wrote about a paragraph for each! Hopefully I pass!

The statistics paper was in a different format to what any of us have encountered before. I managed to answer most questions but...we'll see. The statistics teacher told us at the beginning of the week that there would be a reassessment for both statistics assessments but by today she had changed her mind! I'm really screwed...

By the way our debating team had our last debate last night against Howick. It was the same team I went up against last year...and lost...Amazingly the Howick team remembered me from last year! The moot was

'That low taxes are preferable to extensive government services"

with us negating. Unfortunately...we lost by three points. So that's it for us in the ISAY Debating Competition this year!

1 comment:

  1. lol sure
    like u'll get ne bad results!!

    at last u posted!
    i was feeling bored since nobody seemed 2 b alive these days afta da exams!

