Sunday 21 May 2006


Exams tomorrow! I definitely don't think I'm ready. I've got a statistics time series assessment and Chinese exam tomorrow, a physics assessment on Wednesday, and on Thursday a statistics bi-variate data assessment and history exam. I feel the least confident in statistics! At least there's only a week of this to suffer through!

After that though I've got the accordion competitions to prepare for. I had no idea how close they were till yesterday during music lessons my teacher told me we have one more lesson next week and then the week after will be it! Our trio and duet are so not ready! We can't even play in time yet and my brothers still can't play two hands together! Let's hope we're the only entries in our classes!

Choir is going so well at school! I counted the number of people at the last rehearsal on Thursday lunchtime and it peaked at about 34 people which is amazing! Not only does the number of people make the choir so much different to last year's but the sort of sound we're producing, which is a much louder and confident sound. Hopefully people will take notice of our school choir and it'll no longer be the laughing stock of the school! Now if only we could boost orchestra numbers by that much...

Last night my neighbour came over and we had a little chat which was cool because I haven't talked to her in quite a while. The night before she had asked me to go jogging with her the following morning at 6am, and so I tried not to be late for once and set my alarm clock and the cellphone alarm to ring at 6. I happened to forget where I put them (which meant I couldn't just switch them off that fast) and managed to wake up on time! However she never showed up! So I just studied history instead...

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