Tuesday 16 May 2006

Spacifix Visits

Today was pretty interesting. We had orchestra in the morning before school, but only about six or seven of us turned up, and the conductor was really frustrated the violinists weren't there (you know who you are! :P). Because the conductor only comes to school once a week I suggested having lunchtime rehearsals so that everyone would be at school so it looks like we might not have to wake up so early from now on on a Tuesday morning!

I met a few people around school I haven't talked to in person in aaaaaaages which was really cool! Spacifix also came to perform during lunch. They were pretty cool the audience were absolutely hooked (from the looks of it). Afterwards I wanted to see if I could get one of the band members to write a little message for our student website like we got Bill English to do (actually I still have to email him about that...). While waiting for them during form period I met Steven Thomas, one of the band members who used to be the headboy at Rangeview in 2000 when I was form one. Amazingly he remembered my name and surname! I talked to a few of the guys for a while before they had finished packing and then managed to get a photo of the group out by the gate where it says RUTHERFORD. So when they hit the top of the charts at least we'll all remember they performed at Rutherford!

By then the first half of statistics had already passed but I managed to come to class late without much hassle.

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