Sunday 28 May 2006


I just installed Microsoft Office 2007 Beta 2 to have a look, and it’s not too bad. It keeps saving files in a new format .docx so it becomes a hassle sometimes to have to change the document format to Word 97-03 format whenever you want to save. Anyway this is the first time I’ve tried posting a blog entry using Microsoft Word so I’ll just have to see what it looks like!

Anyway the weekend after exams has felt good, although because exams are over and you don’t have to study for anything, you get this kinda feeling that there’s something you’re supposed to be doing! For me I suppose that something is getting this student website up and running. I spent all of Friday at school collecting photos and information from around the place. I was originally going to scan a few photos from the school library archives but I was told I couldn’t scan any photos with people in it without their permission because of privacy laws, which meant I was restricted to only buildings! We’re hoping to get the website up within the next couple of weeks. Hopefully I’ll have the content sorted or else I’ll have to type it all up!

Apart from that nothing has really happened much during the weekend apart from music lessons, music teaching, sleeping in the car while mum food shops at Chinese vege shops, and going to church in the morning. Church is a pretty lonely place. I’m in an English-speaking Sunday school class, and there are three other students and two teachers besides myself. One other student can’t really speak much English, only mainly Cantonese, and the others can all speak Mandarin and Cantonese, and so they sometimes just end up speaking in Chinese! There’s no one there my age either so that’s a bit sad no one to make friends with…

Back to school tomorrow OH NO string quartet AND string trio rehearsal, and then choir rehearsal after school. I’m also filling in for the Auckland Symphony Orchestra at their Night at the Proms concert so I have to go to their rehearsal tomorrow night. We’re going to play Crown Imperial March, which our school orchestra has played (but sounds weak because of all the missing parts). It’s going to be cool playing it with 80 others rather than just 12!

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