Saturday 20 August 2005

What a Horrible Day

Nothing seemed to go right today:

-I was going to practise my Chinese speech for the speech competition during Chinese but there was no teacher so it was noisy

-I got sent to guidance and was asked to prepare a little speech on the 'Kia Kaha' bullying programme at assembly in less than a few hours away

-I had to prepare the stage for the International Language Week presentation but the projector wasn't working

-The laptop wasn't working

-When the CD with the Korean video I was asked to create for a teacher was tested, it wasn't working

-I was told that the Calculus reassessment I sat two days ago had a page missing which means I've got to spend 20 minutes of my lunch next Monday finishing that page

-I timed my speech tonight after managing to memorise bits of it, and realised it is over the 3 minute time limit which means I've had to truncate it tonight and try to somehow memorise it before tomorrow morning!

Boy oh boy oh boy...

Need more speed? Get Xtra Broadband!


  1. haha that day screwed you over big time :)

    Have a nice day

  2. But hey, you know, at least you're still all the teachers' pet.

    Sit Calum Sit! Roll over!

