Sunday 28 August 2005

Idol-ed Out

I was only told earlier this week that the Rutherford Idol grand final would be held on the Friday of the same week, and that I had to create 16 videos for it in three days! So I spent all of my out-of-school hours on Rutherford Idol videos (literally, with only 2 hours sleep in 2 days) and only managed to have them finished 15 minutes before the show started! My mum gave me Chinese tea to bring to school when I hadn't slept all night to help me not fall asleep, but unfortunately we watched a really boring video in biology which left me dozing off. I stayed awake in chemistry and English because we had an assessment to finish (which I had only planned the night before!), but I tried drinking the Chinese tea before Physics, which is dead boring on best days, but it didn't work!

Rutherford Idol Grand Final was great and a thousand times better compared to last year's, everything from the quality of singers and their performances, to audience size and enthusiasm, to videos, to technical stuff! We had a full house on the night who were really supportive of most people except Mr Mataia (one of the judges).

In the end the results were: 1st Chantelle, 2nd Janet, 3rd Elisapeta, 4th Tim. It's so sad now that it's all over! I'm already missing working with the top 8 finalists and the tech crew who were a great bunch of people to work with! Bring on next year! (If there will be one!)

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