Friday 19 August 2005

No Stopping

Rutherford Idol was a lot more successful today. It got off to a rocky start though, when Mr Thompson (school arts coordinator) began to wonder if Rutherford Idol should be postponed to tomorrow because of sports photos taking place in the hall and the supposedly unexpected fire drill during 5th period before lunch. I wasn't keen on the semifinal being moved to Friday because a) SADD's throw sponges at teachers' faces would be very popular and b) I wanted to miss English!

Anyway it went ahead and we had a bigger audience than yesterday! I can safely say that despite having a smaller audience than last year, we made more money from door sales in one day than we did in two days last year!

I had plugged our camera battery charger into the power socket on stage and went backstage to film the contestants as they waited for their turn to perform (they weren't very happy with me filming but I was just doing my job!) When I looked out onto the stage the battery charger was gone! It became apparent that it was most likely (especially at our school) stolen. I looked all around the place but fortunately Mr Thompson told me he had put it away somewhere! Thank goodness or else my mum would be mad!

After lunch was form period and the first 'Kia Kaha' peer-mentoring...thing. Originally I was going to be Kia Kaha peer mentor for 10WO, my English teacher's 'really naughty' form class, but my partners (Jonathan and Ben) and I got shifted to 9MX, the year 9 Kaleidoscope (enrichment) class which was really cool! Ben's brother was in that class and Jonathan's sister was in that class too (and I think Shen's sister is in that class as well) so that was even better! I missed most of it because I had to pack up all the filming equipment, but I'm sure Ben and Jonathan coped without me!

Need more speed? Get Xtra Broadband!

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