Tuesday 2 August 2005

Open Day

Tonight was the Rutherford College Open Evening, and having been involved with every open evening at school since third form, I couldn't resist taking part in tonight's one too! Originally the Chinese teacher had asked me to help out with the languages department display by cooking some dumplings, even though I don't know how to! After being offered the opportunity to be a tour guide though, I took up the offer.

I've got a friend from Rangeview Intermediate who's coming to Rutherford next year. She originally has a sister at our school. I was going to be her tour guide tonight, expecting her to come around at about 6pm. I took around this girl who's sister won heaps of awards at the Rutherford College prize-giving last year for about half an hour, and then spent the rest of the night welcoming people to Rutherford College at the front door with Mr Edmeades while waiting for my friend to come. By 8pm she still hadn't come, and so i assumed she didn't come at all. When I chatted to her older sister though, she said that she had come at 5pm!

We all got a bit of pizza and a drink for dinner at school tonight which was cool, but of course not the reason why I chose to help out!

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