Sunday 28 August 2005

Open All Hours

I went to the University of Auckland Open Day today in the city. Even though Kat and Ayesha was going, I couldn't be at the right place at the right time in order to meet them, but there'll be a next time! Because I arrived late at the open day, I had to quickly have a look around. I don't think he saw me but I saw David from my form class walk by, and my Sunday school teacher who's a doctor was at one of the medicine stands. Conveniently the health stand and the law stand, two stands I wanted to see were opposite each other. I ended up checking out health, law, business and music. I went in to watch the NZ Trio perform, but it turned out not to be too thrilling. They performed a piece composed by a New Zealander, which sounds more like random notes put together rather than music.

A good thing I found out that many students who hate English would be glad to know is: if the course you want to take at university requires you to take at least one NCEA subject in the A list (which includes history, classical studies, English, Te Reo Maori, geography), you will not be disadvantaged if that one subject you have chosen to take is NOT English. Therefore if you find history or classics easier than English, then go ahead! Then again if you like English this probably won't concern you. As for me, I might just drop it...

Later that night I went to the Town Hall to watch the NZSO Youth Orchestra perform. That turned out to be a fizzer too, as they played 10 minute + pieces which weren't too exciting either. I got the tickets from school, and as you could expect, we probably got the worst seats in the house. We were seated at the very last row on the balcony level (third level up), which is a long long way away from the stage!

So in the end it was a long day in the city for me. After the concert I had to sit outside Britomart for a few hours waiting for my dad to finish work so he could take my family and I home. While doing so, we were entertained by some drunken guys outside a club humping a pole, and some other girl riding around in a shopping trolley. Come to think of it, we saw all types of people in the city: straights, gays, goths, rockers, drunks, Asians, straights, homeless, trans, boy with eye shadow...We sure live in a country full of many different people don't we?  

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