Thursday 11 August 2005

Career Ideas

Fortunately there wasn't much of school I had to attend today, with the careers expo cutting into three periods. I only had to endure calculus in the morning, and then the expo! Having English and Chinese afterwards wasn't too bad.

The expo was huge, with three rooms full of stalls! I ended up stopping at each stall talking to everyone, including this lady about water!

I did get some ideas on what I could possibly do when I leave school. Ever since I got elected as student rep, I've been able to see the other side of things regarding education that most students don't get to see, and this has interested me. I've also always thought of teaching as something rewarding and giving something back to the community - you're able to pass on your knowledge to the younger generation and watch them grow and see where they end up! It was interesting to know that you only have to do one year of teacher training after you get your degree to become a teacher in the field your degree specialises in. My long term plan is to become an intermediate school music teacher after I've worn myself out in my main occupation (whatever it may be) and before I retire. Now I've just got to work out what I want to head towards...Mrs Taylor first suggested going for a conjoint Law/Science degree, so that if I get bored with law I could always go into science, but then later today suggested Law/Health Science so that I could choose between becoming a doctor or a lawyer later on. I have no idea!

I met Shrikkanth for the first time since yr 9 at the expo today which was really cool! He's pretty much the same funny guy he's always been, and wanted an ice-cream as soon as he saw that it was being sold!


  1. teach?? You wana teach a bunch of hooligans that they pass off as kids??? You've got to be kidding me lol incase you havent noticed, every new generation keeps getting worse. They get dumber,bigger and even more rowdy. Besides, we're in a birth rate slump, nobodys having kids anymore. Training to be a teacher would be a bad idea, especially for intermediate, cause by the time ur out of teaching college, there will not be much demand for teachers! ( sorry, we're doing employment in Economics and i just had to give u that lecture...) So yea, choose wisely, i think the law/health science degree sounds cool. But you know what, even if your not terribly qualified, your definately an asset - you speak excellent english and chinese, and as you know, the chinese are gonna take over the world very soon, so you've pretty much got all you need to survive.

  2. i cud say the same thing bout korean at our school :P

  3. You never know what students will be like in the next 15 or so years.
    Sure, they will most probably be more wild, but it really depends on what kind of teacher calum will be. If he really likes going face to face (more like sword to sword) with unstable hormone controlled immature students, so be it.

  4. hey im so sorry shrikkanth! ill chg the spelling of ur name and will ensure that i spell ur name with an h in it from now on! i apologise!
