Friday 5 August 2005

Something to Ponder

When asked why girls act in one way in one day, another way the next, my good friend Ayesha
answered by saying...


I asked if that was post-menstrual stress just to make sure, and she corrected me by saying it was both PRE and POST.

'What are girls like in between?' I asked.....EVEN WORSE!

What it got me wondering is...does pre and post menstrual stress overlap for some people?


  1. You're not allowed to forget that this is ONLY Ayesha's point of view...

    Just remember that Ayesha isnt all the girls...although to you Calum she may be the only one you see.

  2. oh shut up kat :P The ball happened last month lol i'm sure he's over it by now.
    And yes it is ONLY my point of view, not all girls have PMS, altho i know for a fact that kathryn does, the mean-ness turns up a couple of notches! lol
    Most girls use it as an excuse to get away with stuff but sometimes it genuine. I guess you guys have to learn to pick out the genuine ones from the fakes!

  3. dude do u HAVE to tell us u like to research about PMS in ur spare time?

  4. lol interestin choice of reading material! but yeah go ahead n tell us if u no expert in pms so ill let the girls scrutinise ya!

  5. What, so everytime i get a bit cold i got PMS?

    *rolls eyes* very logical and reliable theory...

    it isnt hard to get annoyed with ayesha's craziness :)

  6. And hyun....tsk tsk

    stop digging your grave. 6 feet is more than enough.

  7. didnt even know PMS exisited before i (apparently) told you?

    sometimes i wonder how you are going to survive in the big wide world.

  8. yeah and then next thing you know the twins will be going around asking for blow jobs better watch out!
