Saturday 13 August 2005

Here comes the Storm

The school week ended on another dull Friday, with the only major highlights being the fire alarm during Chinese, interrupting our farewell to Danny (this Korean student who is leaving us for America!), International Languages Week meeting, where we're organising a week full of activities related to international languages/cultures for students, and discussing and debating the TV3 Leaders Debate that screened the following night with Heather (another political junky!).

Next week will be hectic. On Tuesday I have an NCEA Lvl 3 Music performance assessment, and on Tuesday I have a Chinese speech assessment on why I want to go to China, as well as a Calculus assessment on trigonmetric equations. The following Saturday is the Auckland Chinese Speech Competition, which I still haven't written a speech for! I can't think of anything to speak about! My Chinese teacher suggested talking about something personal such as...finding a girlfriend! (yes out of all the possible topics she comes up with something like that!) I might talk about our crazy kitten called Mao-mao, who runs around wrecking our house, scratching us all and causing mischief...oh yeah and getting hit by a car.

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1 comment:

  1. shes still limping a bit but bak to her crazy self again running around the house playing with stuff and scratching us
