Wednesday 10 August 2005

Calum Comments - Wednesday 10 August

High-tech high school for West

'Avondale College's new architect-designed technology building, which cost more than $5 million, will open at the start of term four.'

(The West Aucklander, 10 August 2005)

I'm glad to hear their technology building was designed by an architect, but really, what building these days isn't? I suppose this is supposed to make Avondale's new building sound slightly 'flasher' because it was 'architect-designed' (everyone ooo and ahhhhh)

The Western Leader and The West Aucklander are increasingly looking like an Avondale College newspaper with the number of articles on their college students that feature in one issue. Today's The West Aucklander had at least three articles on Avondale College students. Obviously Avondale College is spending a lot to submit all these articles (do reporters for local newspapers ever find their own stories nowadays?) and make their school look good, which over-represents them, and does not necessarily mean that everything good that is done in West Auckland is done by an Avondale College student. Their efforts just get publicised more than those of students from other schools who aren't as lucky to have a big marketing budget.

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1 comment:

  1. It's actually the principal of Rangitoto College Alan Peachey who is a National Party list candidate (not yet in parliament). However the former principal of Avondale College Phil Raffles (I apologise for misspelling his name if i have!) was in someway connected to National (I can't remember whether he made it as an MP or only got as far as being a candidate). Funnily enough he managed to bring Avondale College up to where it is at right now during the days when National was in government.
