Monday 8 August 2005

Count on your Friends to Liven things Up!

This weekend has been typically normal, but thanks to my friends there has been a lot of soap drama and worrying going on! Once again two of my friends hate each other, which I have no idea what to do about...I don't want to put myself on one side or else I may lose the other as a friend, but I want to be supportive of each other...哎哟!(ai yo! in Chinese means Oh Dear, Oh My Goodness or...Great Guns!-my favourite expression because it sounds funny when my mum says it!) Last year I had to deal with two of my infamous friends hating each other, so it isn't supposed to be anything new to me :S

I've also had a friend contemplating suicide because of certain issues, which has gotten me worried, but thankfully things have died down and normal life has resumed (not that it stopped!) for her.

I've been helping Aonghas film this little movie for his English 'Journeys' assignment, and got manhandled by Zippo today when she came over to watch us film and in the picture.

Boy, how boring would life be if it weren't for friends?

(Not to suggest anything but all the friends mentioned above are female!)

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