Sunday 21 November 2010

Zahir's 21st Birthday

Today was Zahir's 21st birthday. His birthday was a little while ago but he had to sit an exam on that day, so the celebrations had to be postponed for a little while!

I spent several hours before the party looking for a birthday present at Lynn Mall, and thought I might try the pharmacy as he studies pharmacology! The pharmacy assistant looked a bit thrown when I told her I was looking for a 21st birthday present! It turns out my 3rd year pharmacy friend Himesh works at that pharmacy too!

It just happened to be a muggy day, and Zahir just happened to have the Xbox Kinect at his place! When I got there they were already playing with it. I had a few goes at it. People look funny moving about when you ignore the fact that they're playing a game! I managed to set a few records though in the Kinect Sports game!

There were a few old high school friends there who I managed to catch up with, which was really cool, and as the night wore on we moved on to dinner which consisted of a BBQ such as meat, sausages and burgers!

It was then present and cake time! I gave him this little voodoo doll dressed as a scientist, to fit in with his pharmacology degree theme!

Zahir had two cakes for his birthday, one was a chocolate cake and the other was an ice-cream cake. We all sang him 'Happy Birthday' which was really funny as we were so lacklustre!

Zahir needed help from Alex, his girlfriend to cut the cake and they managed to dish them all out before a few Chloe, her boyfriend and Yeeping had to leave for another party, and Michael, Zahir's old primary school friend had to catch a bus home.

Those of us who were left played this board game where you had to flick this disc on a board to knock other discs into four holes located at the corners of the board. It's kinda like pool, only you flick discs! Our first game went on for maybe more than half an hour! It seemed as though my team would win, but in the end it was quite close and we ended up losing the first game!

We had a rematch, and while we initially thought it'd be quite a short game, it ended up being drawn out a bit longer before my team took it out!

We decided not to play another game as it was almost 11pm by now, so we just played a little bit more with the Kinect before migrating to Zahir's bedroom so we wouldn't wake his dad up.

It was soon midnight though, so it was time to go. Overall it was a great night and I had a good workout! Happy 21st Zahir!

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