Saturday 6 November 2010

Backyard Fireworks

Our old neighbour Phillip and his fiancée Lee came up from Palmerston North to visit tonight. Usually we don't bother tidying our house because Phillip is used to seeing it in a mess, but because Lee was coming, we put in extra effort to tidy it up...or the lounge at least!

When I got home from my friend's BBQ, they were already at our house, so I just joined in their conversation before we all decided to go outside and set off some fireworks!

Phillip got out this large tube he nicknamed 'the bazooka'. When we first saw that, we first thought it would be finally mean massive fireworks, but then we discovered it was just a container for 12 smaller shots! That's OK though, as we set two or three off at the same time to double the fun!

All the bits and pieces from the fireworks were falling onto the neighbours' roofs, so I was hoping they wouldn't come out and complain!

Once we had set off all our fireworks, we went out to the front to light some smoke bomb things! It's been a long, long time since we last played with those! When we were younger those and sparklers would be the only things our parents would buy for Guy Fawkes Day!

Phillip will be back in a few weeks' time so we'll get to catch up more with him.

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