Saturday 27 November 2010

A Joint Party

Tonight was Yeeping and Alex's birthday party, a week after Zahir's (Alex's boyfriend) birthday party! Once again I spent most of the day after music teaching looking for birthday presents to buy for them before having to prepare. I ended up buying Yeeping this little mannequin earring holder (she's into fashion!), while I got Alex a psychedelic hippie van mug (she's into psychology!).

Originally Aonghas was going to give me a ride to the bar called 'The Lounge' in Mt Eden along with my friends Gwen and Zahir, but when I mentioned that I was going to the party to Angie at youth group the night before, she offered to give us all a ride which was nice of her!

She came over with Natasha and Zahir already in the car, and then we went off to pick up Gwen. We were the first people to get there along with Alex. Even Yeeping hadn't made it yet! We helped Alex carry the food inside and taste-test it ;) OK not really, but it looked really yummy! There were deep-fried wontons, mini spring rolls, cupcakes and little dumplings!

Something I realised as I was in the car was that I forgot to remove the price tag from one of the birthday presents! I rang my mum to check if she did as...she was sorta the one who wrapped the presents! She didn't realise there was one on the birthday present! I went over to the presents table and quietly took the present outside, carefully unwrapped the present and tried peeling the sticker off, only to be caught by Aone and Jenna who were just arriving! I joined them and went back in.

More people started arriving and I spent a bit of time by the food table having a bit to eat while catching up with some old Rutherford friends who were hanging around one corner of the room. I caught up a bit with my friend Gwen. We were dates for the night! haha I was also introduced to Chris, a guy who used to go to Rangeview Intermediate School who remembered me!

As the night wore on, more people showed up and 10.30pm crept up really fast! Time for birthday speeches! First Alex gave a birthday speech to Yeeping, followed by Elaine, a girl who also went to Rutherford who I didn't realise was Yeeping's cousin! Yeeping then returned the favour by giving a speech to Alex, followed by Chloe, one of Alex's best friends, and then finally Zahir, Alex's boyfriend delivered the final speech. His speech was an acrostic poem using Alex's name which I thought was quite nice! It really showed how well Zahir and Alex are made for each other, and it was really cool seeing just how well Zahir knows Alex!

After the speeches, a few more old Rutherford people came who I hadn't seen in a long time! Most of these ex-Rutherford people are from the year below me, except for Jane who was in my year. It felt like a mini-Rutherford reunion!

The music was pumping, people started dancing, and it was approaching midnight. Aonghas came to pick me up around midnight, and I also gave Gwen a ride home.

The only thing that's quite sad, is that when I tried transferring all the photos from the SD card to the computer, I couldn't find them anywhere! Either the card is faulty or our camera's starting to get old! I'm really gutted about that! Fortunately I filmed all the speeches on my iPod and Gwen has let me use her pics for this blog post! Thanks Gwen!


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