Wednesday 3 November 2010

First Day of the End of my Life?

It was my first free day today and I did absolutely NOTHING! It may sound great especially after studying and exams, but I honestly had nothing to do! It did give me quite a bit to think about though...

Assuming I pass my exams, graduate and do my internship, where does my life go from there? I know my intern year will also involve assignments and exams to become a registered pharmacist, but what next? Does life become a repetitive chore in which I wake up, go to work, come home, sleep, wake up, go to work, come home, sleep...? I could have an aim of saving a million dollars by a certain age, but what am I going to do with that money? It all goes away when I die. I can't take it to Heaven with me.

I really don't want to live a meaningless life. My greatest fear is to get to an old age and realise I haven't achieved anything notable and that I haven't left an impression on anyone. I'd like to know that I've made a difference in people's lives...somehow, and that I mean something to someone.

I was asked for our annual Pharmag (pharmacy magazine) where I see myself in ten years' time and I jokingly said

'owning 15 pharmacies'

but what I really hope for in ten years' time is to BE somebody.


  1. I think thats a good goal, I see things from a business perspective. So to me owning a chain of pharmacies could actually be ideal (who knows maybe we will partner up and take over the pharmaceutical industry together haha.

  2. count me in when you own 15....
